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第18回まつしろ現代美術フェスティバル 文明の対話におけるイメージの論理 THE IMAGE LOGIC OF CIVILIZATION DIALOGUE
총괄기획 / 쩡나(鄭娜) 운영위원 / 피아오광씨에(朴光燮) 공동기획 / 기무라 히토시(木村仁)_리우지앙(劉剛)_드어리(䙝李) 예술감독 / 스기하라 노부유키(杉原信幸, 일본작가 담당) 진행 / 리우지앙(劉剛)_구쩡위(賈正宇) 코디네이터 / 진옹씨엔(金永先)_진저(金哲) 어시스턴트 / 까오야(高雅)_구쩡위(賈正宇)
참여작가 中國 張永和_張子康_岳敏君_華継明_蒋焕_沈敬東_邱军_馬東民 萧瑟_朴光燮_李継森_孫雅杰_江三波_厳超_金权龍_龐亮 日本 木村仁_杉原信幸_淺井真至_Okika と小さい鷲男_草深将雄 佐々きみ菜_中村綾花_中村明x羽田光_はまぐちさくらこ・森妙子 韓國 박인현_심홍재_최태훈_문리_천원식_이강 전영일_김철규_정희정_이보영_이올
주최 / 일반사단법인 신주국제예술구_마츠시로 현대미술페스티벌 실행위원회_화하성공광고(華夏星空广告) 유한공사(베이징) 협력 / 합동회사 임팩트 재팬(合同会社インパクト・ジャパン) ISHIKAWA 지역문화기획실( ISHIKAWA 地域文化企画室)_NPO 유메스페이스 마쓰시로의 거리와 마음을 키우는 모임(NPO 夢空間松代のまちと心を育てる会) 에꼴 드 마시로(エコール・ド・まつしろ) 후원 / 칠지양복식유한책임공사(七只羊服飾有限責任公司) 주식회사 더 나우(株式会社 ザ・ナウ) 디자인_장원일 행사장소 / 나가노 현립 미술관 시나노 갤러리 마쓰시로번 문무학교(松代藩文武学校) 외
관람시간 / 10:00am~05:00pm
나가노현립미술관 시나노갤러리 B1F 외 NAGANO ART MUSEUM / 長野県立美術館 しなのギャラリー 長野県長野市箱清水1-4-4, 日本 Tel. +81.(0)50.5542.8600 nagano.art.museum
まつしろ現代美術フェスティバルについて ● 「まつしろ現代美術フェスティバル」の始まりは、2002年に日本と韓国との共同開催によって行われたワールドカップを機に、信州大学公開講座として開催された「現代美術ワークショップ」が発端となっています。 ● このワークショップは、副タイトルを「場所の美術」と銘打って、ある特定の場所が持つ歴史性や、周辺の人々の記憶などを美術の世界で取り上げてゆくといった、いわゆるサイトスペシフィックな試みとして行ったもので、信州松代町の持つ独特な歴史を背景として始まったものでした。 ● このイベントに際して、日本及び韓国からパフォーマンス・アーチストを招くとともに、木村仁が発案した折り鶴の羽根の形を応用した参加型のワークショップ (HA-NE Project)を立ち上げ、美術を単に見学するといった受け身の形から一歩進んで、見学者も積極的に表現に加わるというといった形式をとり開催したものです。 ● 1年で終了する予定であった当該イベントは、参加者の一人であった韓国パフォーマンス・アーチスト、ホン・オ・ボンの強い希望で翌年も開催することとなり、以後継続開催となりました。 ● 2004年には松代町において、エコール・ド・まつしろ倶楽部が発足し、同倶楽部の協力を得て、名称も「まつしろ現代美術フェスティバル」と変え、松代町の代表的な史跡である松代藩文武学校にて開催することができました。またその後、会場も徐々に町全体に広がり、最盛期には作品展示、パフォーマンス、ワークショップの他、演劇や現代音楽なども加わり、ジャンル横断的な先駆的なイベントとして活動してまいりました。 ● 2018年からは杉原信幸の協力で信濃の国原始感覚美術祭との共同開催となり、より幅広い活動を行っています。途中数回の休みを挟みましたが、2023 年現在、おかげさまで第 18 回を迎えることができました。 ● 第18回となる本年は大幅に中国、韓国のアーチストを加え、中・日・韓の三国合同展示の形となりました。会場も松代町のほか長野県立美術館が加わり、長野市全体への広がりを見せ始めています。 ● また、これと並行した動きで、「一般社団法人信州国際芸術区」を立ち上げ、今後の「まつしろ現代美術フェスティバル」への力強いバックアップならびにアシストとなることを期待しています。 ● また、参加国も徐々に広げながら国際的なイベントとして発展できることを願っているところです。しかしながら、激しく流動する現代アートの中、いまだ未完成かつ未熟な点が多く、今後の発展的要素として皆様の適切なご指導、ご助言をいただけましたらこの上なき喜びです。 ● 松代町をはじめ長野市の皆様のご協力を仰ぎながら一歩ずつ継続発展、成長して行けれ ばと願っています。 ■ 木村仁
About Matsushiro Contemporary Art Festival ● The Matsushiro Contemporary Art Festival began in 2002 with the Contemporary Art Workshop, which was held as an open lecture at Shinshu University on the occasion of the World Cup jointly hosted by Japan and South Korea. ● This workshop, subtitled "Art of Place," was held as a so-called site-specific attempt to take up the historicity of a specific place and the memories of the surrounding people in the art world, and was started against the backdrop of the unique history of Shinshu Matsushiro Town. ● This workshop, subtitled "Art of Place," was held as a so-called site-specific attempt to take up the historicity of a specific place and the memories of the surrounding people in the art world, and was started against the backdrop of the unique history of Shinshu Matsushiro Town. ● For this event, we invited performance artists from Japan and South Korea, and launched a participatory workshop (HA-NE Project) that applied the shape of an origami crane feather invented by Hitoshi Kimura, and took the form of visitors actively participating in the expression by taking a step forward from the passive form of simply observing art. ● The event, which was scheduled to end in one year, was held the following year at the strong request of one of the participants, Korean performance artist Hong Oh Bong, and has been held since then. ● In 2004, the Ecole de Matsushiro Club was established in Matsushiro Town, and with the cooperation of the club, the name was changed to "Matsushiro Contemporary Art Festival", and it was able to be held at the MatsushiroHan Bunbu School, a representative historic site in Matsushiro Town. Since then, the venue has gradually expanded throughout the town, and at its peak, in addition to exhibitions, performances, workshops, theater and contemporary music, it has been active as a pioneering event that crosses genres. The event gradually expanded to include the entire town, and at its peak, it was a pioneering cross-genre event that included not only exhibitions, performances, and workshops, but also theater and contemporary music. ● Since 2018, with the cooperation of Nobuyuki Sugihara, it has been jointly held with the Shinano Primitive Sense Art Festival, and we are conducting a wider range of activities. We took a few breaks along the way, but as of 2023, now, we were able to celebrate the 18th edition. ● This year, the 18th exhibition, with the addition of Chinese and Korean artists, it took the form of a tripartite joint exhibition of Japan, China, and Korea. The Nagano Prefectural Art Museum has been added to the venue and is beginning to expand to the entire of Nagano City. ● In parallel with this, we have also established the "Shinshu International Art District", which we hope will provide strong backup and assistance to the Matsushiro Contemporary Art Festival in the future. We also hope that the event can develop into an international event while gradually expanding the number of participating countries. ● However, during the rapid and fluid contemporary art scene, there are still many aspects that are incomplete and immature, and we would be most pleased to receive your appropriate guidance and advice on the elements for future development. ● We hope to continue to develop and grow step by step with the cooperation of everyone in Matsudai Town, Nagano City. ■ Hitoshi Kimura
Vol.20230811b | 문명의 대화-이미지 논리-제18회 마쓰시로 현대미술제 中日韓 교류展 / JAPAN