2016 Hidden Passage

전성규展 / JEONSEONGKYOO / 全成圭 / painting   2016_1115 ▶ 2017_0115

전성규_Hidden Passage1606- Human Natur_캔버스에 아크릴채색_60.6×72.7cm_2016

● 위 이미지를 클릭하면 네오룩 아카이브 Vol.20130904b | 전성규展으로 갑니다.

별도의 초대일시가 없습니다.

관람시간 / 10:00am~10:00pm / 주말_10:00am~06:00pm

아트갤러리21 ART GALLERY21 서울 강남구 도산대로 434 더 청담아트홀 5층 Tel. +82.2.518.8016 www.facebook.com/thegallery21

Groping for Hidden Passage’ ● The main point of my art work is how to visualize the reciprocal action toward ultimate spiritual life based on faith, which is embodied by my art integrated into natural science and humanities. The first view point of work was to suspect contemporary phenomena of civilization with high technological simulation which has confused the people between reality and virtual reality. Therefore, I have inquired into the hidden truth of the matter, and in my art I have groped the relationships between natural phenomena and human condition.

전성규_Hidden Passage1606- Human Nature 2_캔버스에 아크릴채색_45.5×53cm_2016
전성규_Hidden Passage1606- Multidimension12_캔버스에 아크릴채색_72.7×60.6cm_2016
전성규_Hidden Passage1606- Multidimension14_캔버스에 아크릴채색_72.7×60.6cm_2016

Recently I realized particle movement in quantum physics is related to human consciousness through ‘the observer effect’ and ‘String theory’. My work is inspired by both of them and pursues the substantiality of transcending time and space through hidden passage. I am interested in the dynamic space interacting between matter and spirit, human and nature, life and God. Therefore, I have applied clothing form that implies the culture of human life, as a passage between an invisible intangible met­aphoric world and visible organic tangible world.

전성규_Hidden Passage1606- Multidimension15_캔버스에 아크릴채색_60.6×72.7cm_2016
전성규_Hidden Passage1606- Multidimension17_캔버스에 아크릴채색_53×45.5cm_2016
전성규_Hidden Passage1606- Organic Maze 1_캔버스에 아크릴채색_72.7×60.6cm_2016

This passage is embodied in the winding organic image, a mingling of viscera and particulate matter. Through the movement of delicate lines and circulation of incessant waves, I would like to express multidimensional space with mixed images such as biological forms, physicochemical oscillating particles. These days I enjoy applying colorful space to previous image, which represent the harmonious multidimensional world.

전성규_Hidden Passage1606-Multidimension7_캔버스에 아크릴채색_53×45.5cm_2016
전성규_Hidden Passage1606-Multidimension9_캔버스에 아크릴채색_45.5×53cm_2016
전성규_Hidden Passage1606-Sky_캔버스에 아크릴채색_45×53cm_2016

These intangible and tangible images are derived from scientific study and religious imagination. I contrast the smallest of particles with the vastness of the universe, because I grope for connecting hidden passage between the interior and exterior realms. It is the tension in this interactive living space, in combination with curiosity, which provides me spiritual stimulation. ■ Jeon, Seong Kyoo

Vol.20161118h | 전성규展 / JEONSEONGKYOO / 全成圭 / painting
