● 위 이미지를 클릭하면 네오룩 아카이브 Vol.20131122i | 김정호展으로 갑니다.
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관람시간 / 07:00am~09:00pm
서울대학교 호암교수회관 HOAM FACULTY HOUSE 서울 관악구 낙성대동 239-1번지 Tel. +82.2.880.0300 www.hoam.ac.kr
광대의 불행은 불가능한 상승을 갈망하는데 있다고 했던가. 곱씹고 곱씹으면 다른 맛을 내는 발효음식처럼 그의 이야기 속 장면들에는 우리 모두가 가지는 삶의 의문과 환희, 거부할 수 없는 삶의 부조리와 자연에 대한 찬란한 동경들로 가득하다. 어떤 순간 거울 속에서 우리를 만나러 오는 낯선 사람마냥 깊숙이 잊혀진 나를 조우시킨다. 인생을 즐기는 자는 중력도 초월할 수 있다고 한다. 깃털처럼 자유로운 영혼이 이끄는대로 불멸의 삶을 애써 바라지도 않고 가능한 영역을 다 살기위한 끝없는 정진과 그의 유일한 새벽들을 엿본다. ■ byun
小丑的痛苦是不是因为他欲望提高自己在社的地位而造成的? 就像酵食物在不咀嚼之下散引不同的味和口感一,他人生中的那些片段也反映了我每人生活中都有的情,或是疑,或是欣喜。 我的人生里无可置疑的充斥着不理性和激情的渴望。 地,一位忘已久的陌生人在子里向我走近。 他甚至,一享受生活的人重力都能超越他。 望眼看着他最后的日出,他定把自己像一根羽毛一自由, 前往到魂上的旅游才上充的生活, 不朽的力。 小丑的痛苦是不是因他欲望提高自己在社的地位而造成的? 就像酵食物在不咀嚼之下散引不同的味和口感一,他人生中的那些片段也反映了我每人生活中都有的情,或是疑,或是欣喜。 我的人生里无可置疑的充斥着不理性和激情的渴望。 地,一位忘已久的陌生人在子里向我走近。 他甚至,一享受生活的人重力都能超越他。 望眼看着他最后的日出, 他定把自己像一根羽毛一自由, 前往到魂上的旅游才上充的生活, 不朽的力。 ■ byun
From last year, I have been working in mostly on large works in SongZuang art room China every other month. Canvases in china are of high quality and cheap, which makes it optimal for large works. Of course, I also wanted to work together with the art market and artistic circle, which generated much sensation and have been very active recently. Today, the pop art is the mainstream of Chinese art, and some of it is related to commercial aspects. I think that there are also empty holes caused loud voices and strong expressions, and I am thinking about actively working in China because I believe that a different voice, albeit quiet and slow, is also meaningful. It is good to work with a beginner's mind again and also to devote much time to work. On the other hand, I was sometimes embarrassed when some passers-by asked me for directions on the street, but I heard from somewhere that the art starts when the language ends. I think I work better because I can't communicate very well. ● One of the words that consist the word artist means house. The old oriental meaning of house goes beyond just a living space that blocks rains to mean world view and philosophy. Although artists were considered of a relatively low class, only those with universal view were called to have achieved 'house'. Too many times of moving the workplace sometimes gave me pain, but I comfort myself saying that it is not bad to borrow a planet called Earth. Birds, which seem free, makes nestson the tree. Trees and cocoons are not stationary but work very hard to improve. I am certain that the nutrients inside the effort will produce beautiful silk. ■
Vol.20151006e | 김정호展 / KIMJUNGHO / 金楨昊 / painting