양자주展 / YANGJAZOO / painting   2014_0509 ▶ 2014_0525 / 월요일 휴관

양자주_Untitled-Wall Series #1_캔버스에 혼합재료_80×60cm_2014

● 위 이미지를 클릭하면 네오룩 아카이브 Vol.20110422c | 양자주展으로 갑니다.

양자주 블로그_www.ssszzz.net

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주최 / (사)캔파운데이션 후원 / 한국메세나협회_한국문화예술위원회_(주)대승로지스틱스

관람시간 / 10:00am~06:00pm / 월요일 휴관

스페이스 캔 베이징 Space CAN Beijing 북경 조양구 주선교로 2호 798예술구 706 북1로 B-06-2호 Tel. 070.4090.7660 www.can-foundation.org www.facebook.com/spacecan.canf

除了平面的油画布和纸张外,艺术家JAZOO Yang还在街道上到处都可见的墙上,将自己作为素材进行作画。另外,通过装置创作和表演,摆脱出油画布这种象征,将画画这种行为用更积极的3D方式表现出来。展览首次呈现的WALL系列中,挥洒颜料,刮油画布,挥动手臂等画家画画时出现的各种身体动作本身可以看做是一种随着时间流逝,一直累积着形成了墙这种物质性和建筑性的延长角度的行为。 并不是为了实现什么,或是想要做出一个具体的东西,创作无限地存在于持续不断行为的连续中。这和创作存在于我的生活中的方式是一致的。 ■ JAZOO Yang

양자주_Untitled_Wall Series #6_캔버스에 혼합재료_145.5×112.1cm_2014
양자주_Untitled-Wall Series #3_캔버스에 혼합재료_145.5×112.1cm_2014

JAZOO Yang在绘画、装置等现场作画以及街头艺术等各种领域进行实验性创作,因此受到广泛的瞩目。她所进行的主题名为同时代人,主要是对每个人一生都会经历的孤独和冷落,空虚和虚无,逐渐被稀释掉的人性的观察。无法进入主流社会而被孤立,或是被制度群体所排外的人们所感受到的失落感,由此而生的寂寞和凄凉等用一种强烈且粗糙的画面表现出来,包含了指责真正意义上沟通的积极性的反论内容。 ● JAZOO Yang画家非常敏感,她的工作是将材料的物理性质和行为的结合更加直接地在油画布、墙等各种空间中进行表现,生动地表现了她特有的即兴和富含速度感的特点。特别是,生动表现的视觉作品和画的“行为”作为一种艺术的现场作画,搭配各种形式合作的表演艺术等,这些都更加强烈地表现出了画家的实力。这也是摆脱被限定类型束缚的动机。 ● 画家将艺术和生活,美学与现实中各种感情等一般的理想和现实放在同等的水平上,表现了渐渐被孤立的人类社会的一个截面,并借此梦想着去恢复被隔绝的社会。另外,对我们时代艺术的角色进行反问,用实验的方式表现去哪里寻找艺术价值。此外,画家认为,资本主义将美的标准删掉,这是在大众取向的艺术所支配的当代艺术结构中回顾艺术存在方式的理由,也是一种辨别能力。将艺术作为实现商业目标的工具,或是将牺牲生活以保证艺术的纯粹,这是艺术家个人的选择和自由,所以讨论好不好没有什么意义,但是JAZOO Yang是一位从后者层面出发,开辟了自己特有语言的画家。 ■ 洪经汉

양자주_Untitled-Wall Series #4_캔버스에 혼합재료_145.5×112.1cm_2014
양자주_Untitled-Wall Series #5_캔버스에 혼합재료_145.5×112.1cm_2014
양자주_WALL展_스페이스 캔 베이징_2014
양자주_WALL展_스페이스 캔 베이징_2014

Yang, Jazoo is receiving people's attention by her experimental artworks beyond various genres ranging from painting and installation to live painting and street art. Her theme primarily contains contemplation for loneliness, alienation and emptiness that everyone in contemporary era experiences and for gradually diluted humanity. She attempts to contain paradox indicating positive aspect of real communication by expressing sense of loss that people who are alienated or abandoned from mainstream feel, and loneliness and desolation caused by them using a little coarse image. ● Artwork of Yang, Jazoo, which is emotional and sensual, shows more direct combination of material properties and behaviors and completely describes her own instant and speedy characteristics at various spaces such as canvas and walls. Especially needless to talk about dynamically expressed visual results, her artistic abilities are more strongly implemented for live painting called a painting "Behavior" and performance art accompanying collaboration with various genres. This is a motive that makes artwork escape from limited genre. ● The artist exposes a piece of human society which has ever been alienated while she puts universal ideal and reality on same altitude and through this, he dreams recovery of ruptured community. In the meantime, she gives some answers by an experimental method as to where we can find value of art while he asks what the role of contemporary art is. In addition, the artist may positioned a reason and differentiation why we look back to existence method of art from contemporary art structure governed by popular arts whose aesthetic criteria are cut out by capitalism. Although it's meaningless to discuss about her preference for art form as her art, which guarantees her life for purity of art under an environment making commercial viability for art, is her own selection, Yang, Ja zoo is an artist who nourishes her own language in the latter aspect. ■ Hong Kyunghan

The artist, yang, Jazoo has been attempted to paint her becoming a material on walls here and there on streets besides plane canvas and papers. Moreover, she has been making 3D more actively for painting behaviors through installation works and performance beyond symbol of canvas. ● The wall series which is newly introduced for this exhibition will be able to show accumulating walls from several body actions themselves as time goes by occurring when a painter is drawing a picture such as shaking arms, spraying paint and scrubbing canvas. This could be an extended line for physical and architectural behaviors. t's not an attempt to achieve something or produce something specific. Art work exists just numerously within continuous behaviors. This is well matched with existence of my life. ■ JAZOO Yang

Vol.20140511d | 양자주展 / YANGJAZOO / painting
