Dreaming Book

이지현展 / LEEJIHYUN / 李支鉉 / painting   2013_1106 ▶ 2013_1127 / 일,공휴일 휴관

이지현_013OC2627 dreaming book-파우스트 Faust_캔버스에 책 콜라주_133×98cm_2013

● 위 이미지를 클릭하면 네오룩 아카이브 Vol.20120303g | 이지현展으로 갑니다.

초대일시 / 2013_1106_수요일_05:00pm

관람시간 / 09:30am~07:00pm / 토요일_09:30am~06:00pm / 일,공휴일 휴관

표갤러리 사우스 PYO GALLERY SOUTH 서울 강남구 청담동 118-17번지 네이처포엠빌딩 B112호 Tel. +82.(0)2.511.5295 www.pyogallery.com

The relationship of text and image ● In my work, many seem to say the image gives a stronger impact than text gives in some aspect. This may have been the result of unique method of work causing the image to be perceived first. There are times when only image remains once the book has been plucked off and words or texts themselves become unreadable. A plucked-off Dante's Divine Commedia cannot be easily differentiated from a plucked-off recently published novel without close inspection. The trace of time only resides in the remaining color, and the image is seen and "read" prior in the work. Instead of large-scale work, one or two books, particularly those that include photo images, are included. That is why one of the problems to be concerned with is the appropriate title of the work. Summarizing the content of the book into a title prevents works from being perceived through similar images only.

이지현_013OC2633 dreaming book-성경 bible_캔버스에 책 콜라주_92×182cm_2013
이지현_013OC2621 dreaming book-삼국지 三國志_캔버스에 책 콜라주_131×162cm_2013
이지현_013OC2630 dreaming book-바람과 함께 사라지다_캔버스에 책 콜라주_100×81cm_2013

Our generation is the mixture of diverse culture and value. We are greatly interested what appearances we have. The reason why I chose to work with text books of ethics and national history in the early stage and with map the city I am living in is to question such reasons. I believe that book is the record of our generation's story. In certain aspect, I see the books not with individually different contents but as a symbol of the era. By making the content and image incomprehensible by plucking off, I would like to say that the method shows identity of our generation living without ego. Since the work has been made to be unreadable purposely, I would be personally satisfied if question like "what is exactly is this" is been raised while viewing the work.

이지현_013OC2623 dreaming book-대지 大地_캔버스에 책 콜라주_82×100cm_2013
이지현_013OC26015 dreaming book-리히텐슈타인 Lichtenstein_책 뜯다_66×93×12cm_2013
이지현_013OC2609 dreaming books-앙드레지드 Andre Gide_책 뜯다_27×64×22cm_2013

The relationship between image and text is a concern and crucial concept to be solved simultaneously while working on with this method. I want the "unreadable" to be read through image instead and for everyday-books to reappear as artistic substances – a hope that the work is not only beautiful but also conceptional. ■ Lee Ji Hyun

Vol.20131105d | 이지현展 / LEEJIHYUN / 李支鉉 / painting
