● 위 이미지를 클릭하면 네오룩 아카이브 Vol.20090302a | 김효정展으로 갑니다.
초대일시 / 2011_0816_목요일_06:00pm
주최/주관 / 목스페이스 기획/진행 / 백경미
관람시간 / 수,금요일_11:00am~07:00pm 토,일요일_11:00am~06:00pm / 월,화요일 휴관
목스페이스 Mokspace 33, Museum Street, London WC1A 1LH (In front of The British Museum) Tel. +44.20.7637.8880 www.mokspace.com
사람이라면 누구나 꿈을 꾼다. 심연에 빠져 헤어나오지 못하거나 현실과 맞닿아 금방이라도 깨어날 것 같은, 경험의 정도 차이 일 뿐 우리는 꿈과 함께 살아간다. 그리고 우리는 꿈과 현실의 경계선상에서 신 비한 체험을 하게 된다. 누군가는 그 꿈을 좆기 위해, 누군가는 꿈에서 벗어나기 위해 몸부림 치는 초현 실적인 행위가 그 것이다. ● 김효정 작가는 그녀만의 방식과 색으로 그 찰나의 경험들을 관찰, 기록한다. 거짓말을 하지 않는 그녀의 몸은 밤 새도록 움직이며 특별한 이불의 주름을 만들고 아침에 일어나는 순간 하나의 단서로 사용된다. 그녀는 이불의 주름지도를 통해 어젯밤에 일어난 지극히 개인적인 경험을 되돌아 보고 무엇을 찾기 위해 그리 몸부림쳤는 지 곰곰이 생각한다. 결국 그녀는 무의식 저편의 어느 공간에 널려있는 자신만의 이야 기를 캔버스에 옮기고 싶어한다. 의식세계에서는 이해 불가능한 자신만의 스펙트럼이라면, 그 만큼 다채 로우리라. ● 특히 색에 대해 말하자면, 그녀의 색은 평범함을 거부한다. 꿈인지 현실인지 단정짓기 쉽지 않은 공간을 부유하는 작가의 감정과 시간의 흐름에 따라 변화하는 감정의 리듬을 색으로 표현함으로써, 현재 그리고 내일의 희미한 기억들을 또렷하게 형상화 시켜 우리에게 제시한다. ■ 백경미
Everyone has dreams. The status of being either in a deep sleep or on the edge of sleeping and reality, no matter how it is experienced, we all have our own unique dreams. We can have surrealistic experiences on this boundary between our dreams and reality. Some people try to chase these dreams while others struggle to get rid of them. ● Hyo Jung Kim observes and records her experiences as it happens using her own methods and colours. Her body that does not lie, moves during the night and as a result forms wrinkles in the duvet. Kim then uses these signs as a clue as to what has taken place during the night in her dreams. She observes the wrinkle map on the duvet and tries to relate these marks with her personal memories in an attempt to answer questions such as what she is looking for and why she struggles during the night. Eventually, she wants to move her stories from beyond the subconscious world to a canvas. ● Her use of colour is peculiar, she refuses to be normal about this as she believes that colours are not mere tools of materials but the main media for communicating our psychological inner world. Kim represents the emotion's rhythm using colours, depending on this emotion, the space which is a dream or reality is not easy to conclude and depends on the artist's feeling at a specific time. Her work evokes special memo. ■ Kyeongmi Baek
Article for Hyo Jung Kim's Solo Exhibition by Sajid Rizvi ● There's something about urban existence that drives us to dream and, better still, to articulate those dreams — sharing feelings and words with friends, in the social media and any other opportunity that comes our way. Not surprisingly then, dreams, articulation and interpretations of them, occur often in the work of contemporary artists who by and large are urban creatures. In a milieu that offers cityscapes and their repertoire of sensory experiences as the launch pad for ideas and expression, a well-positioned and thought-through articulation of dreams opens up endless possibilities. ● It is first of all a singular privileging of the viewer by the person articulating or interpreting the dream, a very private experience indeed. Second, articulation of dreams affords the narrator/interpreter/performer with an elastic vocabulary, one which is almost always proprietary. In sharing their dreams the narrator/interpreter/performer — in the event, the artist – invites us into a secret as it metamorphoses into a body of knowledge that retains its exclusivity and allows each participant to embellish its whole with new parts, the stuff of each individual's experience of that which is recently revealed. ● Hyo Jung Kim (b1976, Seoul, Korea) is an artist and purveyor of dreams who sets out to invite her audience to experience her visual narrative, but only after setting certain terms of the engagement. The terms are complex and manifold and offer her audience a variety of clues: in the delicacy of lines on canvas, in the interplay of acrylic coloration and in the total impact of the composite. The devices Hyo Jung Kim employs are deceptively mundane. For example, the humble duvet becomes a carrier of her rendering of folds and crevices that are unmistakably sensual and are as much akin to the textures, hues and shades of the flesh as the said utilitarian object, one of the more indispensable of bedroom accessories. ● A duvet is a ready metaphor for comfort zones and renewals that are integral to human existence. We work, we tire ourselves out, we slither under the soft fabric to recoup and recharge, and then start all over again. All very well, and easily understood within the accessible bounds of an artist's vocabulary. The colouring of those dream representations are a different matter, though. The colour juxtapositions, interplays, overlays and splashes are not your textbook colours of dreams, soft organic materials, flesh and body innards, pulsating cells and innermost components of body and mind. They surprise us, unsettle us and leave us bereft of understanding as we expect to fathom what we believe to be familiar themes. This is where Hyo Jung Kim presents us with opportunities to look and see and find what lies within and what is now there for us to view and contemplate in her canvases. In the event it's a wholly rewarding experience. (www.eapgroup.com) ■ Sajid Rizvi
Vol.20110821d | 김효정展 / KIMHYOJUNG / 金孝廷 / painting