Everything is going according to plan

Bianca Pedrina_Debasish Borah_Verena Issel_Sam Thomas展   2018_0919 ▶ 2018_0922

Anna Harsanyi_In, Of, and Crossing Essex_Essex St.Market & Cuchifritos Gallery+Project Space, NewYork_2018

초대일시 / 2018_0919_수요일_05:00pm

기획 / Anna Harsanyi

관람시간 / 02:00pm~06:00pm

난지미술창작스튜디오 SeMA NANJI RESIDENCY 서울 마포구 하늘공원로 108-1 난지전시실 1, 2 Tel. +82.(0)2.308.1071 semananji.seoul.go.kr

난지미술창작스튜디오는 국제교류를 위해 국외입주자프로그램과 국제 입주작가 교환프로그램 을 운영하고 있습니다. 국외입주자 프로그램은 매해 입주신청과 심사를 거쳐 입주작가를 선발하고, 매 분기별 입주기간이 끝나는 시기에 맞춰 입주기간 동안의 성과를 보여주는 성과보고전을 개최합니다. 난지미술창작스튜디오 12기 국외입주자 3분기 성과보고전 『Everything is going according to plan』展은 난지12기 3분기 입주연구자 Anna Harsanyi(미국)가 기획하고, 입주작가 Bianca Pedrina(스위스), Debasish Borah(인도), Verena Issel(독일), Sam Thomas(뉴질랜드)가 지난 3개월 동안 난지미술창작스튜디오에서 연구하고 작업한 영상, 설치 및 퍼포먼스 작업을 선보입니다. ■ 난지미술창작스튜디오

Bianca Pedrina_Rock Contemplating Nature_Photos, Construction fences_Dimensions variable_2018
Debasish Borah_Country without a post office_letters from 1990s, sound_2017
Verena Issel_On display(Aboriginality)_various works and materials_installation view Barry Room, Taipei Artist Village Treasure Hill, Taipei, Taiwan_2016
Sam Thomas_In Pursuit of Venus_brass painting, nets_2016

"Everything is Going According to Plan" brings together works developed during SeMA Nanji's international residency program, by artists-in-residence Debasish Borah, Verena Issel, Bianca Pedrina, and Sam Thomas. A plan can serve as a blueprint for constructing urban space, or a political strategy to establish official beliefs. It can also be a set of aesthetic principles through which to view the world around us, or a process prescribing heritage to a specific culture or place. Through a series of installations that examine established geographical, cultural, municipal, and aesthetic structures, the artists ask if the ideas and frameworks that order our society are, in fact, progressing according to their intended plan. Each artist engages with research alongside experimentations with material and form through investigations of the politics of borders and their strains on interpersonal and cross-cultural relationships; the development of artistic traditions and the contested ownership over their history; the role of architecture in imagining and assembling cityscapes; and the challenges of visual representation as a way of communicating a frame of mind. The four artists' diverse installations and practices present an opportunity for audiences to explore these topics and develop their own set of questions. ■ Anna Harsanyi

Vol.20180919f | Everything is going according to plan展
