● 위 이미지를 클릭하면 네오룩 아카이브 Vol.20170711c | 하임성展으로 갑니다.
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관람시간 / 10:00am~06:00pm
한중문화관 INCHEON KOREAN-CHINESE CULTURAL CENTER 인천시 중구 제물량로 238(항동1가 1-2번지) 인천화교박물관 Tel. +82.(0)32.760.7860 www.hanjung.go.kr
본인은 지난전시에서 '하임성앱'을 제작하여 작품 내를 스캔하면 동영상이 구동되게 하였다. ● 작품들의 외면적 형상은 유화나 수채화, 에칭 등 전통재료 그려진 이미지들이지만, 실질적으로 앱을 통해 전달되는 의미는 본 이미지와 조금 다른 '전쟁, 욕심, 영원, 윤회, 이상향 등'이고, 이들이 모여 '인생무상', '현상학적인 세계'라는 주제가 도출되도록 하였다. ● 이것의 의의를 동영상을 통해 나타나는 콘텐츠가 본 이미지와 다른 의미라는 점에서 전통적인 알레고리 회화의 의미조합방법을 재매개한 것으로 치장하였다. 또한 평면미술과 첨단기기인 스마트폰 내 동영상, 물성과 비물성이라는 이질적인 것들의 결합이며, 감상방법 또한 시각, 청각, 촉각, 등을 함께 동원하고 있는 것을 텍스트들의 병치라는 포스트모더니즘 알레고리 방식과 일부 궤를 함께 한다고 하였다.
이번 전시에서는 위와 같은 맥락에서 '삶과 죽음'이라는 거시적인 주제로 승화시켰다. 화면 곳곳에 '삶'을 상기시키는 노란색, '生, 초원, 싱싱한 꽃' 등의 소재와, '죽음'을 암시하는 '死, 사막, 시든 꽃' 등의 소재, 그리고 '열정, energy' 등의 이미지들을 삽입하였다. 이들을 앱으로 스캔하면 삶의 이미지는 오히려 반대인 '낙엽이 떨어지는 쓸쓸한 풍경과 각종 죽음을 상기시키는' 동영상으로, 죽음 이미지는 반대인 '조그마한 벌레가 성장하여 나비로 되는 과정'으로, 즉 '삶'을 표현하는 동영상이 생성되게 하였다. 그리고 '20대부터 70대까지 삶을 위해 뛰고 있는 인물'을 등장시켜 '반복되는 삶의 연속, 맹목적 의지에 예속되어 있는 현대인'이라는 의미가 나타나게 하였다. ● 실제 보이는 형상과 반대의 내용이 담겨 있는 동영상과의 결합을 통해, 일반적으로 '죽음'을 두려워하며 그것을 피하기 위해 온갖 의약적 도움을 받지만 결국 그것을 겸허히 수용해야 한다는 것, 피할 수 없는 죽음이 있기에 당장의 풍요로운 삶이 있다는 것, '삶과 죽음'은 마치 데미언 허스트(Damien Hirst)의 작품처럼 이항대립적으로 나눌 수 있는 것이 아니라 함께 묶여 있음을 표현한 것이다.
유화에서는 캔버스 위에 모델링 페이스트로 두툼한 마띠에르를 미리 만들고 그것 위에서 마음껏 묘사하며 린시드의 양을 조절하여 투명하게, 혹은 불투명하게 중첩시켜 번짐과 글레이징 효과 등을 누렸다. 특히 마티에르를 통해 실질적 공간을 만들 수 있는 점은 판화매체에서 쉽게 볼 수 없는 특성이었다. 본인이 에칭, 아쿼틴트 기법을 선호하는 이유도 평평하게 프린트되는 다른 판화기법과 달리 종이 표면에 깊이가 미세하게 생성되기 때문이었고, 이러한 촉각적 공간감에 대한 갈증, 유희를 본 작업을 통해 해소할 수 있었다. ● 또한 짓누르거나 덧칠하고 묘사하며 마음껏 흘리는 자유스러움은 나의 회화적 감수성에 대한 목마름을 해소해 주었다. 에칭에서는 색이 단조롭게 거세되고 전체적인 형상, 구성, 밀도, 메시지에 집중하게 되며, 대상에 대한 감정이 제판과정 중 상당히 희석되는 등 다소 메마른 느낌이었다. 하지만 회화작업에서 수반되었던 다양한 색들의 병치와 혼합은 대상에 대한 즉각적인 본인의 주관적인 정서, 내면의 상태를 유동적으로 담아내기에 효율적이었고 제작과정 내내 색채의 바다에서 유희를 만끽할 수 있었다. 물론 색채의 자유로움을 부각하며 회화의 평면성을 추구하거나 극적인 화면을 실험한 후기인상파, 야수주의 미술만큼 전적으로 이에 몰입하지 못했으나 몽환적인 형상들을 창출하며 형언할 수 없는 만족감을 부여받았다.
콜라그래프에서도 하드보드지 위에 각종 오브제를 자유스럽게 드로잉하고 덧붙이며 그 이미지 내에서 유일한 창조자로서의 권력을 휘둘렀다. 그리고 프린트된 이미지를 통해 그것 이전에 잠재되어 있던 콜라주화 된 오브제들의 흔적, 원판의 모습이 상기되도록 하였다. 마치 환영을 거세하고 작품의 질료적 특성을 앞세운 추상표현주의처럼 현 이미지 이전의 추억, 원판이 보이도록 한 것이다. 이것은 다른 영역에 없는 본 매체만의 독자적인 속성을 강조한다는 클레멘트 그린버그(Clement Greenberg)식 매체순수성적 시각으로도 볼 수 있고, 원 이미지를 암시한다는 점에서 본 작품이 복제품과 변별되는 본인의 노동과 기억에 대한 흔적이며 판에 대한 시뮬라크르(Simulacre)일 수도 있다. ● 특히 작업과정 내내 하드보드지 표면 위의 높이와 종이의 관계에 대한 예민한 상상은 내 머릿속에서 떠나지 않았으며 여타 매체에서 향유할 수 없었던 색다른 경험이었다. 부연하면 약속된 언어와 수학적 조합에 의한 컴퓨터 프로그래밍, 특정 현상을 언어로 명명하여 그것들의 결합으로 색다른 상황을 서술하는 미술 이론, 미세한 깊이의 표면과 자유스러운 드로잉의 에칭, 색들의 중첩을 통한 감정의 이입인 회화와 달리, 표면 위 주요 요철들과 종이와의 대면(對面), 이를 야기시키는 오브제들의 특성과 효과를 상상하며 긴장감을 느끼는 콜라그래프의 공정은 신선한 체험이었고, 프린팅할 때의 환희는 상당히 컸다. ■ 하임성
1. Combination between plane art and app ● I created 'Ha Im-Sung App(hisat)', an Android App featured at the last exhibition, which was designed to play video while it scanned within the works. At first, the audience appreciated the plane art of physical form, then downloaded the App and searched and scanned every part of the screen, like playing the 'Find hidden picture game, and appreciated the video centered around specific themes. ● The outer shapes of works were the images drawn with traditional materials such as oil paintings, watercolors, and etching, but the meaning actually conveyed through the App was about war, greed, eternity, wheel of life, ideal, etc., which differed slightly different from original images that had been viewed and collectively formed the themes of 'meaningless life' and 'phenomenological world'. ● This represents a re-mediation of methods for semantic combination of traditional allegoric painting, considering that the contents which appear via the video have meaning different from that of original images which have been viewed. In addition, it is a combination of plane art, video on smart phone, a state-of-art device, and heterogeneous properties such as physical properties and non-physical properties. And visual, auditory, and tactile senses are tapped into when are viewed, consisting in some way with postmodern allegory mode called 'juxtaposition of heterogeneous texts'. ● In this exhibition, I further developed a different meaning and sublimated it into a macroscopic theme of 'life and death'. Various materials such as yellow color, living, meadow, and fresh flower reminiscent of life, materials such as death, desert, withered flowers, etc., implying the death, and images of enthusiasm, energy, etc., were inserted on every part of the screen. As they were scanned through the app, the video worked. The images of life was expressed by the contrasting images such as dreary scenery and various deaths while the image of death was expressed by the images implying the process of life epitomized by the transformation of small worm into a butterfly. People, in their 20s to 70s and striving for life, are made to appear repeatedly to imply that they are the 'contemporary people subordinated to the constant and blind will of life repeating itself'. It delivers the message that death is something which should be eventually accepted with humility despite the fear towards the death and pursuit of all kinds of medical help to avoid it and that the unavoidable death is analogous to the other side of the same coin as it makes the prosperous life possible. In other words, the message expressed that the life and death is inseparable as shown by the work of Damien Hirst. ● Moreover, it stimulates the auditory and tactile sense of the audience within the app, allowing the audience to watch three contents randomly within the code and infer overall themes, which can be compared to the concept of 'hypertext', a kind of nonlinear text. ('Hypertext' is a term created by Theodor Nelson in 1965, and generally, refers to the web document format comprised of HTML(Hyper Text Markup Language) used on the Internet and is characterized by non-linear structure.) 'Hypertext' is a term created by Theodor Nelson in 1965, and generally, refers to the web document format comprised of HTML(Hyper Text Markup Language) used on the Internet and is characterized by non-linear structure. ● Only three contents are available in my work and only limited nodes are provided due to absence of data as vast as those in the internet. However, my work allows the audience to create their own narrative structures, which reflects some characteristics of contemporary digital culture enabling obtainment of nonlinear information based on selection. ● 2. Expression of co-existent world based on juxtaposition of tiny microscopic narration and gigantic form I pursued coexistence of tiny microscopic narrations and gigantic forms from the beginning, and the exhibition this time dovetails with such tendency. The painting works showed the materials, conceptualization, non-conceptualization, symbols, lines, etc., which were irrelevant to one another, blending harmoniously. The video work features the footages that are not related to one another but turn into a gigantic form and continues to change repeatedly over time. The etching work underwent the process of tearing the film apart and pasting them to add or reduce. In that process, the variation in size, intensity, etc., were pursued to find trivial order with amusement. The collagraph works, which focused on physical properties and formation, highlighted physical effects of each symbol drawn on the modeling paste, bond, paper, sand which were attached on a hardboard paper, reminding viewers of specific shape when they are viewed from a distance. ● In that way, My works pursued various fragmented pieces, tiny microscopic narrations and gigantic narrations altogether, like Diego Velazquez or Claude Monet who made the illusion and physical properties revealed at the same time, through that, the images looked like 「human」 or 「water lily」 when they were viewed at a certain distance and gave an impression of clumps of paints when they are viewed closely. ● Like that, my works are full of many stories, such as depicted human, objects, symbols, natural lines or paint stains, etc., when they are viewed closely. They are naturally changed into other images through variation of colors and shapes, or blend harmoniously into single gigantic form which coexist. That may be somewhat similar to the allegoric perspective of Water Benjamin who figured out the essential world based on ruins of microscopic world and diversity of fragmented world, rather than holistic world. It may express my perspective towards the world, the phenomenological world where ordinary people and extraordinary people, love and hatred, life and death coexist. ● 3. Pursuit of the effects from materials and enjoyment of amusement I pursued the effects of materials themselves while creating artworks. The etching works incorporated various expressive methods, such as depiction, stroke, lines expressed unconsciously in order to make the most basic lines stand out. This highlights the drawing sensitivity, one of my internal inevitable features. The oil painting works involved the process of making thick Matiere with modeling paste on canvas and unrestrained depictions on it. The volume of linseed oil was adjusted for transparently or opaquely overlapped spill and glazing effect, etc. The freedom of pressing, painting over, depicting and spilling to my heart's content satisfied my thirst for pictorial sensitivity. The juxtaposition and mixture of various colors, which were involved in painting process of works, were effective in expressing the instant and subjective emotions towards objects and inner state of mind flexibly. Throughout the process of works, I could enjoy the amusement in the sea of colors. ● In the collagraph works, I also drew and pasted freely on hardboard paper, wielding my power as unique creator within the images. And they were made to be reminiscent of the traces and original form of collaged objects latent in the images of the works viewed through the prism of printed image. That could be consistent with media purity perspective of Clement Greenberg who emphasized unique characteristics of the media that did not exist in other realms and could be in similar context with Simulacre for the edition as the original image is implied. ● The process of collagraph was a pleasant experience, which provided the moments of sensitive imagination of the relationship between hardboard paper's surface height and paper and imagination of the characteristics and effects of objets which brought me a feel of tension all the way through the work process. ● In this art fair, I attempted to broaden my horizon for expression based on use of various materials. Although I still have yet to acquire the techniques for specific media which I have not worked with extensively, I will proceed constantly with exploration of the attributes of various media in the period ahead. ■ HAIMSUNG
Vol.20171225b | 하임성展 / HAIMSUNG / 河林成 / painting.installation