Smooth Gravity

Robin Godde_Yona Lee_Paul Zuerker展   2016_0923 ▶ 2016_0927

초대일시 / 2016_0922_목요일_06:00pm

기획 / Paul Zuerker

관람시간 / 10:00am~06:00pm

서울문화재단 서울시창작공간 금천예술공장 PS333 SEOUL ART SPACE_GEUMCHEON 서울 금천구 범안로15길 57(독산동 333-7번지) 3층 Tel. +82.2.807.4800

Robin Godde's artistic practice draws on disciplines related to construction: architecture, set design, large scale art projects and the building sites related to them. When Robin Godde uses steel or wood, it is not their hardness or their ability to support or reinforce another element that is in play but rather their ductility and propensity to curve under their own weight, their capacity to react or interact with the conditions imposed on them despite an apparent rigidity. His constructions carry nothing, they support no mass: on the contrary they are mostly supported by the structure of the host space. They use it to maintain themselves, restrain themselves, right themselves, and deploy themselves in a silent choreography ■ Robin Godde

Robin Godde_Bird residency program_bamboo, nail_variable size_2016
Robin Godde_Collapsed architecture_plastic brush bristle_variable size_2016
Robin Godde_Smooth resistance_bamboo, black string_variable size_2016

Through the works and its materials Paul Zuerker considers and reflects his actual living surroundings. It can touch questions concerning the blurring of lines and borders connected to the human body and its alien and outer parts. The objects and materials give a sensual way of experiencing the world and the way its structured by shaping us as human beings. In his works he finds an immediate way to show the surface reflections of a hidden other, inherited in the objects presence and absence. ■ Paul Zuerker

Paul Zuerker_length of product line_mixed media_400cm_2015
Paul Zuerker_together_wood, plastic cover, projection_140×190cm_2014
Paul Zuerker_www.etymonline.comindex.phpterm=touch_towel, latex, wood, glass_variable size_2015

Monochrome utilises the language of slatwalls, a material used to display products in a commercial setting, activates the chosen wall at the Geumcheon exhibition space by the artist. The wall is cruelly divided by the 'cut' of the manipulated slatwall, however, at the same time attempts to make the wall disappear. Typically, products are attached to the slatwall via large prongs; these can be layered for the most organised and efficient use of space. The surface of the MDF is left raw, highlighting the contrast between the natural material and the hard steel structure that Lee has created. The steel structures are not permanent, they can be easily moved to another 'hook' if desired; examining ideas around improvisation, temporality, space and action. Viewers are welcome to approach the work and interact by replacing the steel structure. ■ Yona Lee

Yona Lee_Monochrome_MDF and steel_240×350×1.6cm_2016

Vol.20160923g | Smooth Gravity展
