Technology in Contemporary Art

한호_전병삼 2인展   2016_0912 ▶ 2016_0923 / 주말 휴관

초대일시 / 2016_0912_월요일_06:00pm

전시연계 컨퍼런스 / 2016_0912_월요일_04:00pm

후원 / 아시아나 항공

관람시간 / 10:00am~04:30pm / 주말 휴관

UNESCO Salle des Pas Perdus, Salle Miró 7 Place de Fontenoy, 75007 Paris, FRANCE

Han Ho: Eternal Light"Work is something to be felt with the heart, not to be seen with the eyes." When we stand in front of the work of an artist, we read his mind and communicate with him. It is because the artist communicates through his work and the piece stands out and shines only if it reflects the mind of the artist. 'Why this work has been born? Where is the starting point and how has it changed?'If we open our mind and try to concentrate on the work, we may feel and hear its stories.

한호_Eternal Light - dongsang i mong_ 캔버스에 오일 콘테, LED 조명, 블랙미러, 영상_400×425×425cm_2015_부분

Han Ho completed his bachelor's, master's degree and doctor's course in Department of Fine Art of Paris 8 Vincennes University, and he travelled around Paris, New York and Beijing for 13 years to work. He expresses through the work, based on his memories from childhood, human nature and reason for being which lead to inner conflicts and hope. In addition, he brings the theme called Eternal light as his own artistic symbol to express life and death, lingering imagery and hope through the performance which combines large installation art with music.

한호_Eternal Light - dongsang i mong_ 캔버스에 오일 콘테, LED 조명, 블랙미러, 영상_400×425×425cm_2015

He uses the mechanism of contemporary video screen based on fundamental and traditional oil painting technique to show the work breaking the boundary of time and space, video and painting.Integrating work with various factors using LED such as media painting, installation art, kinetic art deserves much attention. Through the color of light which gradually changes with time, the work expresses changingseasons and it indicates day and night. It also revives a three-dimensional painting containing another life by putting the light on two-dimensional painting.

한호_Eteranl Light - Utopia_퍼포먼스

"Bill Gates also had inspired by looking at Picasso's work when he designed the conceptof multitasking window. Scientists should know the art and get inspired by looking and feeling the art. Then if you can come up with the emotion that you can create your own, it might result great achievement which can lead the new age"±, Han ho emphasizes that the organic relationship between science and art is to develop its relationship as complementary rather than individual subject. ● Furthermore, his works, inspired by Korean and Western paintings, classical landscape paintings, modern art, are all rooted from different cultural backgrounds. ● He recommends "opening the eyes and ears to embrace everything in the world and it is the beginning of the fusion in this era. Do not be afraid to collaborate with other artists". This idea accords with UNESCO's spirit: the cultural diversity improves creativity and the quality of life and provides a better life.

한호_Eternal Light – Dream2_영상 프로젝션, LED, 홀로그램 필름_500×600×300cm_2016
한호_Eternal Light_캔버스에 라이스 페이퍼, 펀치, LED_101.5×70.8cm_2016

Byeong Sam Jeon: Barbershop Wonderland"My sketch of work begins when I meet unconventional materials." The memories of childhood for an artist could give effect in different ways on his art world. While becoming a famous interactive artist at home and abroad, Byeong Sam JEON's works are characterized by recalling the forgotten objects which never have attracted people's attention, and using them to revivify the works.

전병삼_Barbershop Wonderland_드로잉

As we can see on the participatory kinetic sculpture "O"(2016), influenced by the traditional form of a moon jar and permanently installed at the Gimpo International Airport in Korea, the selected motif for his art work comes from some old and traditional materials or abandoned equipments. He brings them out to the world and revives them. ● "Since my childhood, I played with building materials spread all over the construction site where my father worked, and with colorful fabrics that my mother used. Therefore, my works reflect those childhood memories".

전병삼_Barbershop Wonderland_스틸, 전구, 프린트 된 필름, 모터, 적외선 센서, 아연도금파이프, 자석, 변압기, 케이블, MISC, 인터랙티브 설치_가변크기_2016

A very old neon lamp at barbershop stimulated his inspiration for this exhibition. The barbershop can be characterized as a place where the most warm and basic conversation of human being could be shared and thebarbershop lamp certainly has symbolism. If we pay attention to the sound of 200 lamps spinning, it will lead us to the pathway of nostalgia and a warm and cross-border conversation. The second work is the fan which will be disappeared soon due to the development of technology and science. He tries to express with the wind a sudden change of the world, egocentric move of individuals, and the verbal violence caused by unrefined languages that makes this world suffering today. The messenger, which delivers by the artist the violent language and noise in this era, is one hundred fans.

전병삼_Barbershop Wonderland-Questions
전병삼_Barbershop Wonderland_스틸, 전구, 프린트 된 필름, 모터, 적외선 센서, 아연도금파이프, 자석, 변압기, 케이블, MISC, 인터랙티브 설치_가변크기_2016_부분

In this exhibition, he will show the rebirth of culture and art through the combination of rapid developing science and his creative world of art as well as his enthusiasm for a new world of art and artistic charisma. We all hope to share the lesson and sympathy from this media art exhibition in UNESCO that culture leads industry and industry evolves into art so that it can achieve mutual development. ■ Mia LEE DERVOUT

전시연계 컨퍼런스 Intro : 유네스코 대표 축사, 대사님 축사 Session 1: 기조발제2명(한국문화관광연구원, 유네스코 문화다양성 섹터) Session 2: 작가와의 대화(한호, 전병삼 작가), 충남문화재단 이사장

개막식 개회사 : 주유네스코대표부 대사 축사 : UNESCO 사무총장 축하공연 (충남문화재단 소속 문화공연팀, 5분 가량) 작품 감상(한 작가당 10분 가량)

Vol.20160912d | echnology in Contemporary Art-한호_전병삼 2인展
