● 위 이미지를 클릭하면 강은구 블로그로 갑니다.
초대일시 / 2015_0523_토요일_04:00pm
오픈스튜디오 / 2015_0616_화요일_01:00pm~05:00pm
후원 / 한국문화예술위원회_트래져힐 아티스트 빌리지_타이페이 문화재단
관람시간 / 11:00am~06:00pm / 월요일 휴관
트래져힐 아티스트 빌리지 Treasure Hill Artist Village(THAV) No. 2, Alley 14, Ln. 230 Dingzhou Rd. Sec. 3, Taipei Tel.+866.2.2364.5313 www.artistvillage.org
布幕在文藝復興時期原來是做為舞台(戲劇)轉場之用,經過科技的發展過程,它轉變為一種功能性的物件. 我在鐵工廠附近出生、長大,工廠前有很多鐵捲門,我時常看它們開開關關,鐵捲門不只是一道門也是一道牆,我發現這道門不僅僅只是功能性的物件,它本身也暗喻了時間和空間,以及當代社會的資訊溝通,它還能夠描繪出一種社區和文化的氛圍. 我試圖從這些各式各樣的鐵捲門中,找到對於過去和未來生活的重要的反思及選擇的自由. ■ 姜恩求
Shutter is designed originally for switching stage (theater) in the Renaissance period. In accordance with develop of the technology it was changed into functional properties. I was born and grew up near the iron factory. There are many shutters in front of factory. And I saw that all shutter is closing and opening. Shutter is door as well as a wall. I found that door has not only functional properties. The shutter itself implies time and spatiality, and communication of information in contemporary society, as well as it could describe the feeling of community and culture. I'm trying to find the serious reflection and alternatives of past and future lives through these various shutters. ■ 강은구
Vol.20150524a | 강은구展 / KANGEUNGOO / 姜恩求 / video.intallation