남부희展 / NAMBOOHEE / 南富熙 / painting   2014_1205 ▶ 2014_1211

남부희_Taped nude_종이상자에 테이프, 콘테, 아크릴채색_90×130cm_2014

● 위 이미지를 클릭하면 네오룩 아카이브 Vol.20120829f | 남부희展으로 갑니다.

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관람시간 / 10:00am~06:00pm

해움미술관 커뮤니티아트센터 HAEUM MUSEUM OF ART COMMUNITY ART CENTER 수원시 팔달구 교동 91-1번지(매산로 133) 4층 Tel. + haeum.kr

Variation of Life and Formative - Drawing The Signs of Life with Shape of Tape ● I saw the appearance of the inner world of modern human life in the material, like paper boxes and vinyl. They are carelessly exposed and easily scattered. The tape that sutures those two express the various, rough shapes in life.

남부희_Of Human Bandage each_캔버스에 콘테, 테이프, 종이상자_각 61×61cm_2014
남부희_For MemoryⅠ_캔버스에 콘테, 사진, 테이프, 아크릴채색, 종이상자_각 40×40cm_2014
남부희_Requiem April , 16 , 2014_캔버스에 아크릴채색, 테이프, 종이상자_각 61×61cm_2014
남부희_Attention_종이상자에 테이프, 콘테, 아크릴채색_48×88cm_2013
남부희_Wake up_캔버스에 콘테, 테이프, 비닐, 사진_60×60cm_2014
남부희_Blue nude_종이상자에 콘테, 워터파스텔, 테이프_130×90cm_2013

Unexpected cuts and tears of these materials by the artist actually contributed to express the curvature of life more symbolically and naturally. I tried to express both formativeness and some stories of human life in the same picture by displaying the human body, especially, female nude. ■ NAMBOOHEE

Vol.20141205i | 남부희展 / NAMBOOHEE / 南富熙 / painting
