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유주영展 / YOOJOOYOUNG / 柳周英 / drawing   2014_0813 ▶ 2014_0826 / 월요일 휴관

유주영_무너진 비닐하우스_장지에 샤프_150×150cm_2014

초대일시 / 2014_0813_수요일_06:00pm

관람시간 / 12:00pm~06:00pm / 월요일 휴관

갤러리 175 Gallery 175 서울 종로구 안국동 175-87번지 안국빌딩 B1 Tel. +82.2.720.9282 blog.naver.com/175gallery club.cyworld.com/gallery175

졸업을 한 후 마땅한 작업실을 구하지 못해 터덜대며 걸어가다 우연히 할아버지 집 이야기가 나왔다. 돌아가신 이후 고스란히 남아있는 그곳을 무턱대고 작업실로 쓰게 되었다. 일 년에 딱 두 번, 그것도 가끔 싫다고 박박 우기며 겨우 한번 갔던 곳을 이제는 무시로 드나든다. 그곳에는 벼락 맞은 나무 한 그루가 있다. 예쁘지도 않은 그 나무가 썩 그리 좋지 않았는데 4월이 되었을까, 나무에 꽃이 피기 시작했고, 복숭아 열매가 맺기 시작했다. 20년 동안 그곳을 오갔지만 몰랐던 사실을 알게 된 순간, 하루아침에 낯설어진 풍경을 바라보게 되었다. ● 본 전시는 할아버지 집이었던 곳을 작업실로 쓰게 되면서 느꼈던 주변 공간에 대한 기록으로부터 시작한다. 내가 없는 동안에도 그 해에는 언제나 복숭아꽃이 피었다는 제목의 책(그 해, 언제나, 복숭아꽃), 가족과 함께 다녔던 그 길을 혼자 오가며 보았던 낯설어진 풍경들을 전시장에서 보여 준다. ■ 유주영

유주영_등나무_장지에 샤프_80×116cm_2014

After graduation, I plodded home without having any success in finding a studio of my own. Unexpectedly, the center of the conversation during the walk turned to my grandfather’s house. After my grandfather passed away, the place had remained as he had left it, and I blindly started to make use of the place as my studio. I frequent the place at any time now, which in the past had been a place where I visited only twice a year, and sometimes nearly being forced to make a visit when I strongly insisted of not going. ● At the place, there is a tree that had been struck by a lightning. Not too pretty looking tree it was, and when April came, flowers and peach fruits started to blossom. I’ve frequented the place for more than two decades, and at the moment of noticing something anew that had been there as usual for such a long time, I felt that I’m gazing at a landscape, which has become unfamiliar in a single day. This exhibition begins with the documentation of the surroundings I felt during the time I started using the place as a studio, which had been my grandfather’s house in the past. The exhibition will present a book titled 『That year, as always, peach blossom』, which means that although I was not there, that year, as always, peach bloomed and also the landscape which became totally unfamiliar after inhabiting the place on my own as opposed to the times when I frequented the place with my family. ■ Yoo Jooyoung

Vol.20140813e | 유주영展 / YOOJOOYOUNG / 柳周英 / drawing
