Circular Hands, Centripetal Eyes

8기 국외단기입주자 성과보고展   2014_0324 ▶ 2014_0327

초대일시 / 2014_0324_월요일_05:00pm

참여작가 그레고리 배(Gregory Bae)_안나-레나 츄츄이(Anna-Lena Tsutsui) 라쓰 세라토니 루카스(László Csernátony Lukács)_낸시 브뤼케(Nancy Brücke)

기획 / 서울시립미술관

관람시간 / 02:00pm~06:00pm

난지미술창작스튜디오 SeMA NANJI RESIDENCY 서울 마포구 하늘공원로 108-1 난지전시실 Tel. +82.2.308.1071

예술적 과정이 언제, 어떻게 시작되었는지 분명히 인지하기란 쉽지 않다. 그 과정은 예술가 자신이 인식하기 훨씬 전에 시작되는 경우가 많으며 다른 예술가의 작품 감상을 통해 발생하기도 하고, 심지어 예술적 가치가 전혀 없는 듯한 무언가를 경험한 후에 발생하기도 한다. 그러나 우연히 접하게 된 정보에서 아이디어를 얻고 이를 내면화하며 그 과정에서 얻은 영감을 토대로 새로운 영감을 발생시켜, 더 많은 생각과 영감을 낳을 수 있는 표현을 창조해 내는 것이 예술가의 임무일 것이다. ● 새로운 환경은 예술가에게 주변에 대한 새로운 시각을 제공함으로써 새로운 작품 창조의 원동력이 된다. 『Circular Hands, Centripetal Eyes』은 제 8기 난지미술창작스튜디오 레지던스 프로그램(SeMA Nanji Residency Program)의 8기 국외단기입주자 성과보고전에 참여한 그레고리 배(Gregory Bae), 안나-레나 츄츄이(Anna-Lena Tsutsui), 라쓰 세라토니 루카스(László Csernátony Lukács) and 낸시 브뤼케(Nancy Brücke)의 전시회이다. ● 『Circular Hands, Centripetal Eyes』에 전시된 작품들을 통해 이 예술가들의 다양한 접근법과 태도를 엿볼 수 있다. 관찰과 개인적 성찰에서부터 사회·정치적 탐색과 풍자에 이르기까지, 예술가마다 각기 다른 관점에서 자신만의 독특한 목소리를 내고 있다. 이번 전시회에 참여한 예술가들은 한국에서 3개월간 머물면서 얻은 경험을 토대로 현대 한국 문화에 대한 자신들의 느낌을 반영하여 작업을 했다. 이 작품들은 단순히 외적으로 보여지는 한국에 대한 인상을 표현한 것이다. ● 저마다 다른 컨셉트와 스타일에도 불구하고 전형적인 모티브, 자기 반영성(self-reflexivity), 반복적인 움직임과 연속성, 사상과 문화의 교류는 Looping Theme의 주된 모토가 되고 있다. 또한, 서로 무관한 듯한 작품 간의 관계는 명확한 시작이나 끝맺음 없이 연결되어 있다. 이러한 고리(loop)와 둥근 (circumscribe) 경향은 원형의 난지미술창작스튜디오 난지 전시실(SeMA Nanji Exhibition Halls)을 통해 더욱 부각되고 있다. ■ 난지미술창작스튜디오

그레고리 배(Gregory Bae)_Claim_디지털 C 프린트_160×210_2014
그레고리 배(Gregory Bae)_난지미술창작스튜디오_2014

"Claim", "Father and Son (The World as an Image, The World as an Object)", "GOLD GLORY GREG" ● Gregory Bae presents three works that address nationality and sense of place. He explores these themes through variegating mediums, tromp l'oeil illusion, and material experimentation. "Claim" manifests as documentation of an assemblage installation superimposed on the corner of his studio. The image shows a Republic of Korea flag and United States of America flag made out of various materials including objects brought over from the United States, objects gathered in Korea, and paint. As a conflation of painting, sculpture, installation, and photography; an interstice between two-dimensional and three-dimensional forms is created. By depicting symbols of nationality, "Claim" reflects the artists own evasive categorization of nationality and investigation of its construction and status. "Father and Son (The World as an Image, The World as an Object)" is an oil painting of two landscape photographs. The photographs source the artists hometown and his fathers hometown: one is of Jinhae, South Korea, and the other is of Salt Lake City, U.S.A. As a painting of photographs, "Father and Son" consciously engages in the relationship between object and image, representation and illusion, spatiality and flatness. These dualities serve as an analogy for a juxtaposition and co-existence of two different places of the same world. "GOLD GLORY GREG" is a one time site-specific installation. It is executed in a similar spirit as "Claim". The installation is executed directly on the wall of the exhibition hall, utilizing its architecture and space. ■ Gregory Bae

안나-레나 츄츄이(Anna-Lena Tsutsui)_Loops_ 벽에 비디오 프로젝션, sound in cooperation with Summit Beatbox_00:25:46(loop)_2014
안나-레나 츄츄이(Anna-Lena Tsutsui)_Under the Bridge_비디오_00:07:47_2014

"Under the Bridge", "Loops", "Limbo" ● The video installations, photos and drawings by Anna-Lena Tsutsui are processing sensations of loneliness and alienation inside the metropolis, that is perceived as an endlessly rotating apparatus. Places where the desire to disarm this alienation from nature is noticeable, where natural elements are introduced in urban structures are of special interest to the artist. Thus two of her videos have been shot at the Han-River-Park – a place that is both a local recreation area and borderland between the city and the natural force of the river. The video "Under the Bridge" shows a shadow theater under a highway bridge. Through a little window that is delimited by cars and concrete, the audience can see people who are training with common sports machines. The trainees are looking for physical balance, but because of the predefined movements they become like machines themselves. ● In the video "Loops", everything is turning. A kite is rotating endlessly in the center of the image while cars are driving up a circular highway in the background. In the middle ground a person is walking inconspicuously in circles. This person seems to be imprisoned in an endless repetition. At the same time, a looped voice-generated sound that translates elements of the image keeps rotating. The watercolor series "Limbo" shows constructions with simplified persons floating in an empty space like planets with their own gravity. Each painting refers to a particular person that is lonely in their own way. They are personal worlds formed by the mind that no one else can access. ■ Anna-Lena Tsutsui

라쓰 세라토니 루카스(László Csernátony Lukács)_The King is Sold_ 종이에 혼합매체_100×70cm×15_2014
라쓰 세라토니 루카스(László Csernátony Lukács)_난지미술창작스튜디오_2014

"The King is Sold" When an artwork is sold, the gallery puts a small colored dot on the list of pictures, where titles, dates, and mediums are written. This dot indicates selling. The title painting shows the famous Korean King from the Joseon dynasty. On his brow is a colored dot. In this context the dot in the paintings of László Csernátony Lukács shows that the king is sold; he is no longer a king and just a part of a pop trade. In "The King Is Sold", the central direction of the series becomes shoddy. Consumer icons are lined up to represent the toxins of society. The figures are cultic memes, that purport visuality of religious kitsch, brands, commercials, and consumer identity. The sense of these popular heroes are changed, who usually incarnate urban folklore. In this new context, they appear like the trauma of a wish for narcotization. These pictures are propagator posters that don't promote concrete products, just life-feeling. Thus, contemplators can muster them free. The technique is not homogenous. Traditional chalk is mixed with spray paint and matrica, and senses are mixed as well. ■ László Csernátony Lukács

낸시 브뤼케(Nancy Brücke)_The Seoul Subway_video mov (H264)_00:01:14_2014

"The Seoul Subway", "The Television Tower" ● Nancy Brücke is an Experimental Space Music Group that reflects the feelings of urban life with visual and acoustic effects. It was started in 2011 by Viktória Traub (motion designer) and László Csernátony Lukács. The Seoul Subway and The Television Tower are two strong icons of Seoul. The videos are concerned with urban specificity that also hold a personal experience for Nancy Brücke. The videos reflect the high speed growth of the city. ■ Nancy Brücke

It's hard to be sure of how or when the artistic process begins. The process often takes place long before the artist is consciously aware, is generated through looking at other artists work, yet also through experiencing things that aren't suspected as having any artistic merit whatsoever. To notice the inflections of information that cause an idea to take root, to chart how a prevailing feeling begets another feeling, and to turn these uncouth phenomenon into an expression which in turn yields more thoughts and feelings, nevertheless, is a task artists seem to do. ● A new environment can make the artist aware of their surroundings and allow a fresh look at their practice and energize the development of new work. 『Circular Hands, Centripetal Eyes』 is an exhibition by Gregory Bae, Anna-Lena Tsutsui, László Csernátony Lukács and Nancy Brücke the Season 1 International Artists of the 8th SeMA Nanji Residency Program. ● The work in 『Circular Hands, Centripetal Eyes』 encompasses a range in approaches and demeanor. From observation and personal reflection to socio-political research and satire, each of the artists jump into the creative cycle at different points to achieve distinct voices. Influenced by their 3 month stay in Korea, the artists in the exhibition have created work marked by their intake of contemporary Korean culture. The work created during their residency is influenced by simply looking around. ● Despite the diversity of concepts and styles of each artist, a looping theme gains momentum: either as a formal motif, through self-reflexivity, with repetitive motion and seriality, or as a cross-pollination of ideas and culture. Tangential relationships between each work is also accessible, with no clear beginning and no clear end. This tendency to loop and circumscribe is further emphasized by the rotunda shaped SeMA Nanji Exhibition Halls. ■ SeMA NANJI RESIDENCY

Vol.20140324f | Circular Hands, Centripetal Eyes-8기 국외단기입주자 성과보고展
