In Wonder

김명범展 / KIMMYEONGBEOM / 金明範 / sculpture.installation   2014_0111 ▶ 2014_0208 / 일,월요일 휴관


● 위 이미지를 클릭하면 네오룩 아카이브 Vol.20100813e | 김명범展으로 갑니다.

김명범 홈페이지

초대일시 / 2014_0111_토요일_06:00pm

관람시간 / 11:00am~07:00pm / 일,월요일 휴관

Galerie Paris-Beijing 54, RUE DU VERTBOIS-75003 PARIS, FRANCE Tel. +

Galerie Paris-Beijing is pleased to present, for the first time in France, the work of Kim Myeongbeom. Playing upon tensions of equilibrium and subtle, aerial installations, the work of this talented young Korean artist draws upon the codes of surrealism and explores the boundaries between the natural and the artificial, the quotidian and the absurd. Kim Myeongbeom creates magical atmospheres and unusual experiences through unexpected encounters between every day objects, astonishing creatures and spaces: a tree that floats in the air, suspended by innumerable colored balloons; a stag whose antlers become branches; a light bulb filled with water, in which goldfish perform for the audience...


The aesthetic of Kim Myeongbeom, always rich with irony and joyfulness, also suggests a subtle sense of anxiety. Floating in a dreamlike dimension, his works plunge us into a sense of wonder but also of incertitude, often insinuating the possibility that things might go wrong and that the dream could transform into a nightmare. Even in feeling the pleasure of a state of weightlessness and the freedom of flight, one perceives, at the same time, the danger of falling or of an accident: when the balloons deflate, the tree will fall; if the light bulb is turned on, the fish will be electrocuted. All of these unexpected combinations lead us to an intense metaphorical and emotional dimension. The work of Kim Myeongbeom speaks to us of life (and of death), transmitting at once a sense of lightness of being and of the vulnerability of our existence.


Kim MyeongBeom (Korea, 1976) received his diploma from the Academy of Fine Art in Seoul, where he specialized in sculpture. In 2008, he earned a Master of Fine Arts at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. His work has been widely exhibited in museums and galleries in the United States and in Korea, and also in Europe where he has received recognition in international contemporary art fairs. ■ Galerie Paris-Beijing

Vol.20140111a | 김명범展 / KIMMYEONGBEOM / 金明範 / sculpture.installation
