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2013-14 청주미술창작스튜디오 아티스트 릴레이展
관람시간 / 10:00am~06:00pm / 월요일 휴관
청주미술창작스튜디오 CHEOUNGJU ART STUDIO 충북 청주시 상당구 용암로 55 Tel. + www.cjartstudio.com
청주미술창작스튜디오에서는 2013-2014 제7기 입주작가 아티스트 릴레이 전시를 개최한다. 이번 전시는 그간 작가들의 입주기간 동안 제작된 작품들을 중심으로 스튜디오와 외부에서 진행된 전시 및 개별 프로젝트 등을 정리하여 입주 후 작가의 향방을 보여주는 전시이다. 이번 아티스트 릴레이 전시는 성정원작가의 전시로 7기 입주작가의 6번째 아티스트 릴레이전이다. ■ 청주미술창작스튜디오
일회용 하루 ● 버려지는 것의 하루는 / 나의 하루와 다를 바 없다. // 그 흔적 / 집요하게 나를 붙잡고 / 혹은 무심하게 나를 놓으면 // 나는 내 안에 그것들을 주워 담는다. // 특별하지 않은 하루 / 특별한 하루 ■ 성정원
Cheongju Art Studio is pleased to present the Relay Exhibition of the 7th Annual Artist-in-Residence Group for 2013-14. The Relay Exhibition is a major program for each residential artist to showcase his/her works from the past and the present that enables audience members to envision the artist's direction. The Exhibition consists of works from exhibitions at the residential studio and exhibitions from outside venues and individual projects centering on those created during the residence period. This particular exhibit features the works of Jung Won Sung, the 4th artist in an ongoing series of this year's Relay Exhibition. ● For her installation artwork, Disposable Days, Sung has collected all the disposable cups that she has used in her everyday life since 2008. Mass-produced, identical-looking, disposable cups can become paradoxically unique by being used on specific dates and locations in her daily life. In her Untitled and Disposables Never Be Traced, Sung dealt and played with contrasting ideas about the flexibility and solidity of clay by replacing a crushed paper disposable cup with a crushed cup made in clay. This was her exploration into the fundamental and natural state of the material. The work also reveals a shared attribute of disposable cups: one-time-use. The duplicated images in this work come together to form one unified image to expose the irony of mass-production. ■ CHEOUNGJU ART STUDIO
Disposable Days ● a day of something thrown away / is the same as a day of mine. // the traces / tenaciously hold me / or let me go freely // I placed them inside myself // a day of nothing special / a day of something special ■ SUNGJUNGWON
Vol.20131025j | 성정원展 / SUNGJUNGWON / 成政原 / photography.installation