● 위 이미지를 클릭하면 파리스 레가키스 비메오 페이지로 갑니다.
초대일시 / 2013_0804_일요일_06:30pm
홍은예술창작센터 국제교류기획프로그램展
퍼포먼스「Voices of the People」 일시 / 2013_0802_금요일_07:00pm_반포대교 남단 달빛광장 PERFORMERS / Boram Kim_Ryungeun Kwon Seol-ae Lee_Jung In Lee_Hyungbum Park SPEAKERS / Paris Legakis_Seung Yoon Choi MUSICIANS (Samul nori) / Yeojoo Yoon_Younhgo Lim Minwoo Park_Youngsik Park
후원 / 서울특별시_서울문화재단
관람시간 / 10:00am~06:00pm
서울시창작공간 홍은예술창작센터 SEOUL ART SPACE HONGEUN 서울 서대문구 명지2길 14(홍은동 304-1번지) Tel. +82.2.304.9100 cafe.naver.com/hongeun2011 www.facebook.com/sas.hongeun www.seoulartspace.or.kr
『사람들의 목소리(The Voices of the People)』는 라이브 퍼포먼스와 개인전, 두 가지 형태로 진행되는 파리스 레가키스(Paris Legakis)의 예술프로젝트이다. 파리스 레가키스는 지난 5개월 동안 한국에 머무르면서 남북관계의 사회적, 그리고 정치적인 부분에 초점을 두고 리서치 작업을 해왔다. 젊은층, 노년층, 북한 이주민으로 각각 구성한 3개의 그룹에서 남북관계에 대한 개인의 생각을 한 줄의 메시지로 담아내는 작업을 마쳤으며 그들의 생각을 공유하는 라이브퍼포먼스 및 개인전을 통해 관객과 만나고자 한다. ●『사람들의 목소리』전시에서는 파리스 레가키스가 서울에서 경험한 것들을 기록한 두 편의 영상작업을 만날 수 있다. 첫 번째 비디오 작업「In Between」은 2013년 3월부터 5월까지 인천아트플랫폼 레지던시에 머무르며 창작한 작업으로, 4월 한 달 간 백령도에 머무르면서 그 곳에서 만난 43인의 주민들로부터 대한민국 국민들과 함께 공유하고픈 '일상'에 관한 메시지를 적은 후 움직임으로 만드는 과정을 담았다. ● 두 번째 비디오 작업은 한강 반포대교 남단 달빛광장에서 8월 2일 진행한 퍼포먼스 영상 편집본이다. 주로 공공장소에서 퍼포먼스를 진행하는 파리스 레가키스는 예술이 일상 속에서 사회적인 역할을 지녀야 한다고 생각하며, 달빛광장에서의 퍼포먼스를 통해 일반 시민들이 자연스럽게 퍼포먼스에 참여할 수 있도록 유도한다. ■ 서울시창작공간 홍은예술창작센터
"Voices of the People" is an art project by Paris Legakis (Greece), which incudes two events : a live performance and a solo exhibition. During his five months residence in South Korea, Paris Legakis focused on the social and political situation between the South and the North Korea. In his latest research in the city of Seoul he approached three groups of people: people of young generation, people of older generation and people from North Korea that have moved to the South Korea, and he invited all three groups to share their opinion about the current situation between South and North Korea. ● The messages of the participants will be represented by three groups of performers in the single performance on August 2nd. Each group of the performers worked separately, so that in purpose, there is no rehearsal with all the performers for the live performance. The three groups will meet for the first time on the stage, in Moonlight Square, in order to communicate the messages they carry between themselves and towards the audience. This artistic strategy of "no rehearsal" is common and essential to Paris's artworks since he wants the performers to act spontaneously and truly in the performance, while he believes that such a strategy can create a more authentic and stronger feeling to the audience. ● The performances of Paris Legakis take place predominantly in public space. In that way, the artist intends to engage the passersby and thus to bring together 'art' and 'everyday life'. Same here, Moonlight square was chosen for its unique location and its significant meaning. During the performance on stage, two more performers will move among the audience with a megaphone in their hand and they will invite the audience to participate in the performance by expressing their personal opinion about the situation of South and North Korea. Four musicians who will play experimentally the Samulnori will accompany the performance. ● The exhibition "Voices of the People" has the same title with the live performance and will take place in Seoul Art Space HONGEUN which is supporting these two events. In his first solo exhibition, Paris Legakis will present two video documentations from his experience in South Korea. The first video that was created during his residency in Incheon Art Platform, March-May 2013, can be considered the foundation for his inspiration and realization of his live performance. On April 2013, Paris visited Baengnyeong Island and stayed for one month. He invited 43 people from Baengnyeong Island to express, in a brief message, something about their everyday lives that they would like to share with the rest of Korea. The participants include store owners, highschool students, housewives, passersby, etc. These residents then translated their messages into written symbols and then into movements. His experience is depicted in his video entitled "In between". ● The second video documentation that will be presented in the exhibition will be the video documentation from the live performance on the Moonlight Square. Paris Legakis is an artist that his artworks balance between visual and performing arts. He understands art to have a social role in the everyday life. He graduated from Athens School of Fine Arts in 2010 where he won the scholarship of Panayiotis and Efis Micheli Foundation and in 2012 he graduated with honors from the MFA program 'Public Art and New Artistic Strategies' in the Bauhaus University of Weimar, Germany. ■ SEOUL ART SPACE HONGEUN
Vol.20130804b | 파리스 레가키스展 / Paris Legakis / video.performance