아트인아시아 art in ASIA 서울 용산구 한남동 36-7번지 웅가로빌딩 5층 Tel. +82.2.797.2117 www.artinasia.kr
2013 KOREAN PAVILION_KIMSOOJA_TO BREATHE: BOTTARI 1 Pictorial Editorial Department 2 A Niddle Woman Connecting with the Universe Eleanor Heartney 3 To be Born, Love, Suffer and Die Kimsooja interview by Ryu Byoung-hak 4 Like a Long Breath of Art An Interview with Seungduk Kim
KOREAN PAVILION SINCE 1995_DYNAMIC 9: A HISTORY 1_Korean Pavilion 1995: Commissioner_Lee Il, Artists_Kwak Hoon, Kim In Kyum, Yun Hyung-Keun, Jheon Soo-Cheon 1997: Commissioner_Oh Kwang-Su, Artists_Ik-Joong Kang, Hyung-Woo Lee 1999: Commissioner_Song Mi-Sook, Artists_Lee Bul, Noh Sang-Kyoon 2001: Commissioner_Kyung-mee Park, Artists_Do Ho Suh, Micheal Joo 2003: Commissioner_Kim Hong-hee, Artists_Chung Seoyoung, Whang Inkie, Bahc Yiso 2005: Commissioner_Sun Jung Kim, Artists_Jewyo Rhii, Choi Jeong-Hwa, Kiwon Park, Park Sejin, Young-Hwan Bae, Sora Kim, Gimhongsok, Ham Jin, Nakhee Sung, Hein-Kuhn Oh, Nakion, Beom Kim, Sungshik Moon, Yiso Bahc, Yeondoo Jung 2007: Commissioner_Soyeon Ahn, Artist Hyungkoo Lee 2009: Commissioner_Eungie Joo, Artist Haegue Yang 2011: Commissioner_Yun Cheagab, Artist Lee Yongbaek
2_Interview Jheon Soo-Cheon_Kyung-mee Park_Kim Hong-hee_Eungie Joo_Lee Yongbaek_Young Bin Kwon
PREVIEW_55th LA BIENNALE DI VENEZIA The Encyclopedic Palace_Jae-seok Kim
KOREAN EXHIBITION IN VENICE FROM THE TIGER'S TAIL The Tiger's Tail_ASIANA_International Art Exhibitions Lee Ufan Resonance_Kim Atta: On Air_TRA: Edge_Future Pass
VENICE BIENALE CRITIC The Korean Pavilion in Discourse of Global Art_Jaekil Yoo
Editorial See You in Venice~_Boggi Kim
CURATOR'S VOICE Who is Alice?_Chuyoung Lee
Vol.20130501g | 아트인아시아 2013년 5.6월호 / Korean Art at the Venice Biennale