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초대일시 / 2013_0309_토요일_06:00pm
후원 / 타이베이 국제 예술촌_타이페이 아티스트 빌리지(TAV)
관람시간 / 02:00pm~08:00pm
타이페이 아티스트 빌리지 Taipei Artist village(TAV) no.7 Beiping East Rd. Taipei, Taiwan Tel. +866.2.3393.7377 www.artistvillage.org
人們的生活是由許多關係糾結在一起的,從我們出生的那一刻起,不斷產生新的關係, 不只是人與人之間,還有與物之間,與動物之間,與夢想之間,與死亡和現實之間,甚至是與靈魂之間。在這一生中, 我們的精神存在在這些關係中, 我感興趣的是這些無形的關係和力量,對方也同時擁有和我們的這層關係和力量。 紅線代表的是「命運」。從東方到西方,其歷史背景廣泛,象徵命運和人們的生與死。在日本和中國,人們相信彼此的小手指上綁著紅線就代表命中屬於彼此。在希臘和羅馬神話中,紅線是命運和生活的象徵符號。這是一個關於生命和死亡的展覽。其靈感來自於韓國薩滿教認為人們死亡後,其魂魄會在這世界上遊走49天後,才會進入下一個生命歷程。這件作品有「中有」的意含,並探索其過程。透過紅線裝置、 49把黑傘和刺繡,以及49天的日記, 我希望人們在其生命邁向死亡的道路上,凝視彼此,並在49天的最後這天中成為永恆的絕響。 ● 在佛家思想中(佛教一度曾為韓國最大宗教)有輪迴和因果報應的觀念。佛教儀式會在7天中進行7次,讓死者對下一世的期待沉浸在涅槃和重生中,一同進入下一個生命階段,這就是韓國人稱的七七齋,亦或是中有或中陰,以此決定了死者的下一生。 本展覽描述了七七齋的故事,由紅線、49把黑傘、49天日記來轉譯。就像是雨水落在傘上然後消失,下雨的紅線描寫著所有關係的形成最後自然消失。每一條線都有一個故事,就如同每個人的故事。我希望透過這個展覽引發反思,思考我們應該要珍惜每一天,並回頭看看在每天生活裡所產生的關係。 ■ 朴惠源
The Red thread–'Dream of 49 days' ● We humans are made up of many relationships. These entangle us from the moment we are born, and new ones are formed continuously throughout our lives. Not just between people, but also between objects, animals, dreams, reality, and even souls. All the while, spirits reside in these relationships and act on them. I am interested in these invisible ties between our environment, and us, which possess such power over our lives. ● The Red thread indicates the 'Red string of Fate' visually. It has historical tradition in East and West alike and signifying a person's fate in life. In Japan and China, people believe that god ties an invisible Red thread on people's little fingers and ankles who are destined to be lovers. In Greek mythology, the three Moirai controlled the three aspects of fate: spinning (the thread) allotting and cutting the thread of life of the mortals. ● The exhibition, 'Dream of 49 Days' was inspired by the rituals of Korean Shamanism conducted during 49 days from the day of the funeral in which it is believed, that the spirit wanders the earth after death, before moving on to the next life. Those who conduct the ritual for the deceased refer to Buddhist ideas (once a majority religion of Korea), such as reincarnation and karma. In Buddhism, the 49 days are a ceremony performed 7 times during 7 weeks. During the ceremony the dead are believed to be reborn or to leave the circle of rebirth into nirvana. It is called '77 jae (七七齋)' designated 'zhongyou (中有)' or 'zhongin (中陰)' which is the belief that the destination of the next life has been decided. Coincidentally the exhibition and installation period at tav amounted to 49 days altogether.
The exhibition describes the practice of this ritual ceremony of '77 jae (七七齋)' translated through the red thread and 49 black umbrellas. The umbrellas hang from the celling to the floor and are sewn with red thread like raindrops. The red threads describe all the relationships that are formed and disappear naturally. Each one of the strings is a story, just like the stories of every person. The audience can walk between the umbrellas and red thread. This melancholic space is meaning of 'zhongyou (中有: Being in the middle) which is a spiritualized space. The other small room has one video work 'white night' which is about loss and on the other wall is a poem of 'invocation' on fabric.
I hope that the exhibition 'Dream of 49 Days' will trigger the thought of those living on to appreciate every single day and look at all the relationships that are formed each and every day of the living life. ■ PARKHYEWON
Vol.20130310a | 박혜원展 / PARKHYEWON / 朴惠源 / installation