0 + - - 0

오완석展 / OHWANSEOK / 吳完錫 / installation   2013_0206 ▶ 2013_0228

오완석_Zero Base Human, E.V.A._200×200×100cm_2011

별도의 초대일시가 없습니다.

안도르 기획초대 프로젝트 대전댁II

관람시간 / 12:00pm~10:00pm

카페 안도르 cafe Andorh 대전시 중구 은행동 21번지 Tel. + cafe.naver.com/andorh

나의 관심 주제는 '0과 1', '+ -', '육체와 정신', '직전과 경계'를 통해 바라본 있음과 없음 이다. 작업방식은 평면에서 형상을 오리거나, zero base 퍼포먼스를 하고, 타 작가의 다음 작품에 크기대로 케이스를 만들고, 포장된 상자를 뒤집어서 그것이 가진 외부를 포장한다. 그 밖의 작업들은 마치 음악 디제이가 그러하듯 사물이 가진 의미를 재조립하여 다른 언어를 부여 시킨다. 없음 그 너머의 영역의 가능성 ( 0 + - ) -0 ■ 오완석

오완석_zero base menual_30×50cm_2011
오완석_인각 36.5' 각도기-e.v.a.시계_10×40×20cm_2013
오완석_- 0 eva_200×400×50cm_2013
오완석_하대리 0.5 인간_나무, 돌, 실_15×50×50cm_2012
오완석_case_나무, 이름표, 실_가변설치_2011

The motivation of my work is to express my thoughts through an installation and experiments, and the theme of my work is ※0 and 1,§ ※being and not being,§ ※body and mind,§ ※just before and border,§ and ※the possibilities of humans in front of the value of money.§ ● I try to explain the possibility of a &zero base* through an image for which I cut out the figure '1' from a sheet of paper. Through a performance where I bring myself to be a figure '1' in the space of '0', I look at both the spot where I stand and myself. I also collect the size of a work that is not yet made by questioning other artists. And I create a model based on the collected information and show the artist the substance of the immaterial idea that was in his/her head to offer the border between being and not being. Lastly, I turn the model inside out and pack its external parts, which is for concretizing the undefinable obscurity by using figures. ● It is an error that you make something to explain about not being. Proving '0' is not possible by making something but being aware of it. Doubt of existence makes you struggle to understand '0'. '( 0 + - ) -0' regarding something beyond not being. ■ Oh wan-seok

Vol.20130207d | 오완석展 / OHWANSEOK / 吳完錫 / installation
