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호접몽 [胡蝶夢] 나비가 된 꿈 ● 不知周之夢爲胡蝶, 胡蝶之夢爲周與? '호접지몽(胡蝶之夢)'은 '물아(物我)의 구별을 잊음'을 비유하여 이르는 말로, 장자(莊子)가 꿈에 나비가 되어 즐기는데, 나비가 장자인지 장자가 나비인지 분간하지 못했다는 고사에서 온 말이다.
물아의 구별이 없는 만물일체의 절대경지에서 보면 장주도 나비도, 꿈도 현실도 구별이 없다. 다만 보이는 것은 만물의 변화에 불과할 뿐인 것이다. 이처럼 피아(彼我)의 구별을 잊는 것, 또는 물아일체(物我一體)의 경지를 비유해 호접지몽이라 한다. 약해서 '호접몽(胡蝶夢)'이라고도 한다. ■ 공기평
The Butterfly Dream : dream of becoming a butterfly ● Was it me dreaming that it was a butterfly or was it the butterfly dreaming that it was me? 'The Butterfly Dream' means forgetting the difference of forms. The idiom originated from an ancient event that after enjoying being a butterfly in his dream, Chuang Tzu awoke and was not certain whether it was Chuang Tzu dreaming of a butterfly or whether it was the butterfly dreaming that it was Chuang Tzu. ● From the viewpoint that the difference among things are not absolute, there is no distinction between dream and reality or Chuang Tzu and a butterfly. It only shows the transformation of things. The absolute stage of unity in all living things can be called 'the Butterfly Dream'. ■ KONGKIPYUNG
* translated by Lee, MyungAe
Vol.20120108a | 공기평展 / KONGKIPYUNG / 孔基枰 / painting