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초대일시 / 2011_0825_목요일_06:00pm
기획 / 소울아트 스페이스
관람시간 / 10:30am~07:00pm / 월요일, 추석연휴 휴관
소울아트 스페이스 제2 전시실 SOULART SPACE 부산시 해운대구 우동 1398번지 엑소디움 상가 2층 Tel. +82.51.731.5878 www.soulartspace.com
나는 현대를 살고 있는 동시대 예술가 contemporary artist로서 현대사회에서 일어나는 현상과 이슈들에 대해 관심이 많다. 나는 "구속 sense of confinement"이야말로 현대사회를 정확히 표현하는 단 하나의 단어라고 확신한다. 거리 구석구석을 비추고 있는 폐쇄회로 카메라(CCTV)를 비롯하여, 직장인으로서, 가족구성원으로서, 자신의문화권과 관련된 구속 등 헤아릴 수 없는 유형, 무형의구속들로 하루하루를 살고 있는 것이다. ● 동시대 예술가로서 나는 내 주변에서 "현재" 일어나고 있는 일에 작업의 초점을 맞추어, 그것들의 틀 안에서 하나하나의 에피소드들을 찾아내는 일을 하고 있다. 내 작업 컨셉의 중심에는 나의 과거 직장경험 등이 투영되고 있으며, 이것들은 나만이 간직한 특별한 경험이 아닌 현대를 살고 있는 모든 우리들의 이야기이자, 특히, 이 세상의 모든 아버지에 관한 이야기이다. ● 많은 사람들은 예술가들이 자신들과는 전혀 다른 세상에서 꿈을 좇는 이상한 사람들로 여기지만, 그들도 "우리"들과 다를 바 없는 현대인들 중의 하나이다. 적어도 나, 홍찬일이라는 조각가는 "이상한 나라"에서 온 외계인이 아니라, "우리"와 같이 치열하게 이세상에서 살려고 발버둥치는 공통점을 가지고 있는, 그 공통의 경험들로 관객들과 소통하고 싶어하는 또 다른 "현대인"의 얼굴로 기억했으면 한다. ■ 홍찬일
I have an interest in contemporary society. If I should choose only one word to describe today's world "Confined" is the most accurate word to express our contemporary society; life's obstacles restrict us every day. A job confines the modern man; salary determines his freedom or his confinement. Competition within the workforce generates more stress, a confinement in itself. The pressures of parenthood and the ability or inability to provide a future for a child weighs on the shoulders of a father. Cultural limitations within one's native country demand conformity, and an older generation may force tradition on the younger. Money, career, competition, parenthood, and culture are what confine us within our modern society. ● Both literally and conceptually, my work conveys the idea of confinement. My Confined Freedom series exploits the feeling of confinement itself, while the Self-Portraits of Modern Men series focuses on describing modern issues or contemporary people's daily lives. Confined Freedom uses structural frames to physically confine the works inside. The objects conform to the space they are confined within. With Self-Portraits of Modern Men, I used exaggerated and abstracted characters to strengthen the idea of anonymous masses. The characters areunidentifiable replicas of each other, all taking the same action. Both series vary in materials, but are mainly bronze, ceramic, and hot-rolled steel. I have been using the process of vacuum-assisted casting because the method itself represents contemporary systems. I want to emphasize mass production to express these depersonalized office workers or de-individualized contemporary people. ● As a contemporary artist, I want to tell the present issues around me. My life has inspired my work, and I experience this feeling of confinement. Using artistic voice with our daily lives to create a dialogue with an audience is necessary. My series not only relate to my own life, but relate to the lives of my audience. People should know that artists are not living in the wonder land; we are one of you... At least, I am. ■ Handy Chanil Hong
Mentions About Handy Chanil Hong ● He always participated in class adding his views with a sound foundation of technical knowledge and experience. It was a very good experience exchanging ideas and thoughts while having him present in class…He always brought to class unique knowledge of the international art world. …Mr. Hong is one of the few students that an instructor comes in contact with that can be considered a fellow artist and peer. ■ John Fick
Chanil (Handy) is an extremely talented artist whose goal is to be the best that he can be. He is focused and professional in his approach to his work…I was very impressed by how quickly he mastered a variety of different media- clay, metal, acrylic, wood, and many times, found new and inventive ways to use them…I discovered that he is never afraid to take risks in seeking new solutions, and exploring new ideas….We will miss his presence at this school, as he has been unfailingly helpful, courteous, hard working and a fine example to our younger students….He will be a great asset to the international art world. ■ Margaret Keelan
I will say up front that he is probably one of the most diligent and hard working artists I have ever met. There is no limit to his resourcefulness and enthusiasm. His persistence in following his ideas through to completion was an inspiration to all of us. …I have watched him over the last two years enthusiastically build his skill set, gathering technical skills in bonze casting, ceramics, neon, welding and metal fabrication. He has demonstrated a unique ability to combine these skills and materials in order to produce a complete body of work. ■ Jonathan Russell
Handy is dedicated to his profession, is uniquely creative, incredibly hardworking, honest, thoughtful, patient, and reliable. He is passionately involved in his work. Always fresh and inventive, he is never afraid to take changes and try new approaches…He is a constant source of inspiration to other students and artists. ■ Charlene Modena
Vol.20110827c | 홍찬일展 / Handy Chanil Hong / 洪贊一 / sculpture