초대일시 / 2011_0605_일요일_05:00pm
참여작가 국내초대작가 / 김인경_김병걸_김석_이원경_이민호 차주만_정일외2명_김영식_김규식_이선재_이원숙_한지석_김범수 해외 초대작가 / MARY HRBACEK_raquel rabinovich_RUTH HARDINGER Doris Kloster_Sally Lee_Shane Christian Eason_Lenka Novakova Genevieve Sideleau_Nabito Tagaya_Nakajima Keikyo_Masahiro Shirakawa Ito YokoPAN WEI_Qu Fengguo_Chen Qiang_HUANG YUANQING Miroslav Pavlovic_Ralph Brancaccio_Rasada Chatagram 연천지역작가 / 박시동_최은동_임영애_박용덕_박남규_문춘식
후원 / 경기문화재단_연천군_육군 7296부대 주최 / 민통선예술제 조직위원회 기획 / 민통선예술제 조직위원회 미술기획팀
관람시간 / 10:00am~07:00pm
석장리 미술관 경기 연천군 백학면 석장리 875 Tel. +82.31.835.2859 www.sj-gallery.com
전방 前方 - 앞쪽. 일선. 포워드, 앞줄경기자, 아방가르드, 전위대 ● 전쟁, 긴장, 대립, 갈등, 분쟁, 충돌 등 불안한 물리적 상황과 또는 그에 따르는 심리적 상황을 적극적으로 이해하고 해결하기 위한 태도로서의 '위치' 즉 , 앞선 의식의 상태, 실천적 의식의 상태로서의 지점. 우리는 이와 같은 지점에서 고찰되는 평화에 대한 실천적 모색을 실제적 대립의 전방 (DMZ) 에서 실제적 해결을 위한 '전방의식' 이 강화되어지고 또한 표출되고 소통 되어지는 '전방의장' 을 만들고자 한다....
Forward (front side, frontier line, forward, front player, avant-garde, advance guard) ● 'Position' as attitude that understands and solves the following situations positively: physical situations such as war, tension, confrontation, conflict, dispute, and collision and psychological situations that are caused from the physical situations. That is a point of status with advanced consciousness and practical consciousness. ● We would like to create a frontier area that is expressed and communicated. This is our practical effort toward peace that is considered at this place and strengthened consciousness of a front line that will solve real problems in the conflict of DMZ.
The iron fence (or the border line) of division is an epochal product from the unique conflict that has not been solved yet in the world. This exists as a fatalistic yoke that Korean must overcome. ● The physical boundaries that were formed in the violence of division that comes from different ideologies in the 20th century have been mostly deconstructed. But the Korean peninsular is uniquely misplaced from the main stream.
There exists DMZ (or Demilitarized Zone) between two boundaries in the Korean Peninsula (the 38th parallel north and the 38th parallel south). DMZ is a symbolic place of tension but it is also a natural treasure due to its un-reached location from human steps. From this some questions are raised: How can we interpret this kind of ironic situation? What is the relationship between the nature and the modern human race? ● DMZ Art Festival has definitely different special feature from other Art Festivals. That is for the local environment which is located in the boundary area that South Korean military and North Korean military are adjacent to each other. This unique regional identity has been expressed at the DMZ Art Festival: it has been evidenced of the current situation in the Korean Peninsula as a non-developmental environment and a military operation area.
With 'themes' derived from the reality in the environmental division, many famous domestic and international artists create a communicational place through their arts in various genre every year. ● Human race has recorded history in its endless conflicts such as ideology, race, class, religion, war, and so on and has continued the same. DMZ represents a historical chapter of ideological conflict that exists without liquidation. DMZ has a life of an active volcano but is looked still and stuffed. DMZ is an extreme symbol of conflict and of confrontation that requires tension. In front of this DMZ world artists create visual image works together that reflect various awareness and perspectives with a common denominator of human race. Artists want to create a cultural communication place that may lead to a developmental discussion on 'peace of human race.' ■ cha joo man
Vol.20110606e | 전방-2011 민통선 예술제 국제 야외미술展