발행인_김수혁 || 편집인_이일우 || 편집장_양정아 || 분류_잡지(계간) || 판형_230×290 면수_202쪽 || 발행일_2010년 10월 15일 || ISSN: 2093-8497 || 가격_15,000원 (년 54,000원/Quarterly)

비주얼아트센터 보다 CENTER OF VISUAL ART BODA 서울 강남구 역삼로 북9길 47(역삼동 739-17번지) boda빌딩 Tel. +82.2.3474.0013 www.artcenterboda.com

잡지개요 ● 한국을 비롯한 아시아의 시각예술 발전과 저변 확대를 도모하고자 신진 작가 발굴 및 지원, 국제교류 및 학술 행사 등의 폭넓은 영역 활동을 위해 설립된 The center of visual art BODA에서 새롭게 출범한 출판사업 팀 Publishing BODA는 계간지로 아시안 컨템포러리 시각예술 매거진 POINT를 창간한다. 잡지특징 및 내용 ● 2010년 가을에 첫 선을 보이게 될 세계적인 잡지 'POINT'는 국제적인 네트워크를 중심으로 새로운 세대의 주목하는 한국, 중국, 일본 등의 작가로 좀 더 실험적이고 차별화된 작품을 소개하고, 아시아의 동시대 시각예술에서 주요하게 다루어지는 이슈를 정하여 매회 유수의 기획자와 비평가들의 독자적인 인터뷰를 통한 기획기사를 다룬다. 또한 아시아중심으로 활발히 활동하고 있는 특색 있는 시각예술 커뮤니티를 소개하여 그들의 작업환경과 독창적인 프로그램들을 알아보고, 아시아 현대 시각예술의 현황과 이슈를 왜곡 없이 전달하게 될 것이다.


0. Editor's Letter _Joanne Junga Yang

1. Artists & Artworks : "When I reveal my instinct." • A question against the taboo, "Should a woman not stand up peeing?" _Ji A Chang (Korea)

A question Against the Taboo, "Should a Woman Not Stand up Peeing?"_Jia Chang

• Outwitting the inherent senses _Motohiko Odani (Japan) • Heading for the post where my outside meets my inside _Xing Danwen (China)

Curator's Choice: A Personal Diary Chiness Avant-Garde Art in the 90s_Xing Danwen

2. Special feature : "Art market in asia" • The new art market formed by a small number of artists _Jin Suk Suh / Director, Alternative Space Loop (Korea) • Hong Kong, Mecca of the global art market dreaming of a dramatic evolution _Magnus Renfrew / Director, Hong Kong Art Fair (Hong Kong) • Asia art, Uncovering its potential_Jonathan Goodman / Critic, Art In America (U.S.A.)

3. Art platforms in asia : "Main artist-in-residence programs in asia" • An international residency program of artists, for artists, & by artists _Korea National Art Studios (Korea) • A gateway to beijing's contemporary art : Opening of Red Gate _Red Gate Residency (China) • Tokyo Wonder Site : Creator in residence _TWS Aoyama (Japan)


4. Curator's Choice • Sang Don Kim Mysterious scandals and glamorous affairs full of secrets and stories' _Hee Jin Kim / Director, Alternative Space POOL • Sheung Chi Kwan and Wai Yin Wong Everything goes wrong for the poor couple' _Tobias Berger / Chief curator, Nam June Paik Art Center

'Sheung chi Kwan and Wai Yin Wong' Everything Goes Wrong for the Poor Couple

• Meiro Koizumi The video activist who encourages emotional discord _Kenichi Kondo / Associate curator, Mori Art Museum

5. Portfolio • Moved landscape journey _Taek Lim (Korea) • Framing the beauty of nature and humans _Rong Rong & Inri (China & Japan) • Urbanscapes demolished in name of development _Pengyi Jiang (China) • A study on seeing the truth about you and i just as it is _Ryudai Takano (Japan) • My nationality, my words, and time when my self is formed _I-Lann Yee (Malaysia ) • A photograph luring the viewer's gaze_Jing Quek (Singapore)

6. Interview : Posing a topic to asia Art "Korea art : The institutional art together with the public" • Stimulating the public's curiosity _Kyu Hyeong Park / Director, Art Park (Korea) • Art doesn't run against the current of the times _Kwan Hoon Lee / Curator, Project Space SARUBIA (Korea) • Opportunities to be brought by inter-localism _Jong Gil Gim / Curator, Gyenggi Museum of Modern Art (Korea) • The artist just works _Ki Jong Zin / Artist (Korea) • Popular art has to change _Kyoung Han Hong / Chief editor, Public Art Magazine (Korea)

7. Art scenes : "Art meets cities" 10,000 Lives, Telling about the Lives of a Ten Thousand People _2010 Gwangju Art Biennale (Korea) The matter of Credibility in media _Media City Seoul 2010 (Korea) Art and the city have become one _Aichi Triennale(Japan)

8. Preview

