류제비展 / RYOOJAEBEE / 柳제비 / painting   2010_0525 ▶ 2010_0725 / 일,월요일 휴관

류제비_The Girl_캔버스에 아크릴채색_39.4×28.6inch_2010

● 위 이미지를 클릭하면 네오룩 아카이브 Vol.20080524d | 류제비展으로 갑니다.

류제비 홈페이지_www.jaebeeryoo.info

초대일시 / 2010_0611_금요일_05:00pm

관람시간 / 11:00am~06:00pm / 일,월요일 휴관 아트 페스티벌 기간은 관람시간 연장

허브갤러리 HUB-Robeson Galleries 241 HUB-Robeson Center, Penn State University University Park, PA 16802-6601 U.S.A Tel. +814.865.2563 www.sa.psu.edu/usa/galleries/hub.shtml

JaeBee Ryoo, Still Life Painting as a Language of Life and Dreams ● AfterFrench Painter Paul Delaroche declared, "from today painting is dead," artistshave responded to the advent of photography by challenging the traditionaldefinition of painting. The preponderance of new technology in the early 20th

류제비_Time to Take a Walk_캔버스에 아크릴채색_35.8×45.6inch_2010

century, and more recently digital technology, not only liberated painting fromthe task of representational illustration but also encouraged artists to escapefrom brush and pigment into more experimental expressions of creativity.Despite Delaroche's statement from art history, we know that the definition andstyle of painting have changed and been revived through our own lives anddreams. However, although we enjoy the new cutting-edge technologies of thedigital age, no one is anxious for painting to disappear.

류제비_Red Flower_캔버스에 아크릴채색_39.4×28.6inch_2009

JebiRyoo turns to painting as a genuinely intimate and aesthetic vehicle. Sheexperimented with many different materials before she found her own voice andvisual vocabulary. Ironically, her longing for a new way of expression led herto a somewhat traditional approach to still life painting –but reinvented interms of simplicity and cultural aesthetic. In Ryoo's hands, still lifepainting takes on a distinct flavor. Her images possess a paradoxical quality; Theyare enigmatic yet straightforward. Whereas traditional still life captureseffects such as signs of decay in flowers, Ryoo's works reveal an intentionaldesign. Her flowers and ordinary objects are represented in simple formats withvivid colors and expressive brushstrokes. She juxtaposes objects against avivid background that provides a sense of space yet serves to focus theviewers' attention on the centered composition.

류제비_Meditation_캔버스에 아크릴채색_19.7×35.4inch_2010

Theseries of work titled A Breadth of Windillustrates Ryoo's ability to capture dynamic energy. The long blades and loopsof green in the flower arrangements seem precisely placed to create directionand flow for the viewer's gaze. The composition fills the space with a sense ofaggressive presence. Ryoo intentionally places a secondary object that straysout of the frame, and in doing so she creates a hint of humor. Her works aredream-like images, but intensely alive.

류제비_Scenery_캔버스에 아크릴채색_35.4×19.7inch_2009

Herpaintings are inspired by her own emotions and perceptions, and are devoid ofsocial or political import. However, clearly, cultural forces are at work inher paintings. As a Korean artist, she speaks in a tone of meditation and deeprelaxation, using peaceful visual images as well as simplicity in composition.Her use of deep, gem-like colors derives from Korean cultural influences. Herrecent works advance her joyful subject matter through the elegance of theflowers, the abstract quality of the water, and the polka dot cup, urging theviewer to enjoy the comfort and depth of each work without anxiety aboutmisinterpretation. ■ Joo Yeon Woo

Vol.20100525f | 류제비展 / RYOOJAEBEE / 柳제비 / painting
