아랍 현대미술 & 도시디자인 순회展   2010_0518 ▶ 2010_0822

모하메트 카젬 Mohammed Kazem

개막식_2010_0518_화요일_06:00pm_한국국제교류재단 문화센터 개막식_2010_0709_금요일_03:30pm_경기도미술관 야외조각장

참여작가 시리아 / 아마 알백 아랍 / 에미리트 모하메트 카젬 사우디 아라비아 / 마날 알 도와얀 사우디 아라비아, 바레인 / 파이잘 삼라 팔레스타인, 영국 / 아자 엘 하산

주최_(재)한국-아랍소사이어티 Korea-Arab Society_경기도미술관

후원 경기문화재단_외교통상부_한국국제교류재단 Korea Foundation 주한아랍외교단(아랍에미리트, 수단, 튀니지, 레바논, 카타르, 쿠웨이트, 모로코, 이집트, 알제리, 오만, 사우디아라비아, 이라크, 리비아)

협찬_두산중공업_한국전력공사 기획_김유연 Yu Yeon Kim(예술감독,www.yuyeonkim.org)

2010_0518 ▶ 2010_0524 관람시간 / 월~토요일_10:00am~06:00pm / 수요일_10:00am~09:00pm/ 21, 23 휴관 전시설명회 / 매주 수요일,토요일_03:00pm

한국국제교류재단 문화센터 Korea Foundation Cultural Center 서울 중구 순화동 7번지 중앙일보빌딩 1층 Tel. +82.2.2151.6500,6514 www.kfcenter.or.kr

2010_0706 ▶ 2010_0822 관람시간 / 10:00am~07:00pm / 관람 종료시간 1시간 전까지 입장 가능

경기도미술관 Gyeonggi Museum of Modern Art 경기도 안산시 단원구 초지동 667-1번지 2층 기획전시실 Tel. +82.31.481.7007~9 www.gmoma.org

『FLUID FORMⅠ』은 아랍권 국가의 동시대 도시지형도와 아랍 현대 미술을 소개함으로써 오늘날 글로벌화 된 아랍 도시의 지형도와 정체성, 주체와 공간의 역동적인 상호작용과 그 과정을 표출하려는 아랍 현대 문화의 한 단면을 제시하고자 한다. 70-80년대 걸프지역은 석유수입으로 경제 강국 도시들로 부상하여 최첨단 통풍 테크닉을 결합한 실험적 건축을 보여준 시기이며 90년대는 섬세한 엔지니어 기술로 표면상 유기적 형태의 건축과 비즈니스 및 레져 공간으로(예: 두바이) 계획된 시기이다. 『FLUID FORMⅠ』은 최근 걸프지역 도시지형도의 급속한 변화로 인해 삶의 구조와 사고방식을 새롭게 인식할 시각 예술의 장을 제공하며 기존의 가치와 기준에 의해 평가된 아랍권에 대한 당연한 지식의 정당성을 재고할 기회를 가지게 될 것이다. 세계적인 문화 도시로 부상하는 아부다비&아랍국가 ● 아랍에미리트의 수도이자, 인구의 80% 이상이 사는 정치․경제 중심도시인 아부다비(Abu Dhabi)는 최근 사디야트섬(Saadiyat Island)을 문화특구(Cultural District)로 지정하여 세계적인 건축가를 초빙(프랭크 게리, 자하 하디드, 장 누벨, 타다오 안도 등), 동서양 문화가 융합된 건축, 새로운 도시환경과 New Media Zone을 계획함으로써 명실상부 세계적인 문화 허브로 위상을 높이고 있다. 또한 "대안적 외교수완(Alternative Diplomacy)"을 발휘하여 서양 최고의 문화 브랜드와 세계적 권위의 대학교 및 교육기관의 유치를 통해서 문화융합을 꿈꾸는 도시로 부상하여, 지식 및 인적자원 부흥을 추구하는 신문화 개발주의를 지향하고 있다. 한-아랍간 동시대적 문화의 다양한 교류의 계기 마련 ● 『FLUID FORMⅠ』은 아랍국가의 도시 지형도, 그 공간에서 숨쉬는 인간의 심상을 표출하는 현대미술전을 모색함으로써 현 아랍세계의 문화적 행보를 소개한다. ■

Gulf Survey_책 P.82-83

전시 프로그램 (1) 걸프 지역 도시디자인 Gulf Survey 현재 개발되고있는 걸프지역의 해안도시(쿠웨이트, 카타르, 바레인, U.A.E)와 관련 사회 문화 도시역사적 관점으로 새로운 걸프지형도의 변모과정을 연구한 AL MANAKH 시각 자료전 Credit: (Rem Koolhaas, Reinier de Graaf, Todd Reisz, Kayoko Ota), ARCHIS (Ole Bouman), Mitra Khoubrou

아마 알백 Ammar Al-Beik
아자엘 하산 Azza el Hassan

(2) 아랍 현대미술전 참여작가 아마 알백 Ammar Al-Beik (Syria), Film 모하메트 카젬 Mohammed Kazem (UAE), Photography 마날 알 도와얀 Manal Al Dowayan (Saudi Arabia), Photography 파이잘 삼라 Faisal Samra (Bahrain), Photography, Performance 아자 엘 하산 Azza el-Hassan (팔레스타인/영국), Film -전시 매체: 사진, 비디오 인스톨레이션, 드로잉, 텍스트, 필름

마날 알 도와얀 Manal Al Dowayan
파이잘 삼라 Faisal Samra

(3) 특별 다큐멘터리 영상회 Special Film Program & 초청강연 1. 영화 제목 : 라고스/램 쿨라, 건축가 Lagos/Koolhaas 2. 아랍 에미리트 도시디자인 연구가 초청 강연 Mohammed Kazem, 모하메트 카젬(UAE) 두바이) 사진작가는 과거 영국식민지로부터 세계 석유수출국가로 부상한 아랍 에미리트의 국가와 역사에 관심을 가진다. 두바이시의 급속도로 변모된 도시와 그 도시에 살고 있는 작가 자신을 오브제로 사진, 퍼포먼스, 영상에 담아, 주체와 장소와의 상호작용의 문제점에 주목한다.

특별 영상전 라고스/쿨라스 Lagos/Koolhaas 영화감독: Bregtje van der Haak 퓰리쳐 건축가상을 수상, 현재 하버드대학 도시디자인과 교수이자 건축가인 램쿨라스와 하버드대학생 공동으로 2020년 2천4백만의 높은 인구성장 도시인 라고스 도시를 찾아 과잉인구, 교통문제, 물, 전력 이슈를 담고 있는 도시 문제점과 급속도로 변화하고 있는 지역 도시디자인의 문제점들을 라고스인들과 인터뷰 등 을 통해 전개된다. 문의_최경희 010-9070-4930, [email protected]

FLUID FORM I Arab Contemporary Art and Urban Design

Date : July 6 – August 22, 2010 Opening Reception: July 9 (Friday), 03:30pm Exhibition venue: Gyeonggi Museum of Modern Art(2st Floor), Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do Organized: The Korea-Arab Society, Gyeonggi Museum of Modern Art Supported by: Gyeonggi Cultural Foundation Guest Curator: Yu Yeon Kim

Date : May 18 – May 24, 2010 Opening Reception : May 18 (Tuesday) 6-8pm Exhibition venue : The Korea Foundation Cultural Center, Seoul (Joongang Daily News Building, 1st Floor) Organized: The Korea-Arab Society Supported by: The ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade in S. Korea, The Korea Foundation Embassies from Arab Countries in Seoul (Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Tunisia, United Arab Emirate, Yemen) Sponsored by: Dusan Heavy Industries & Construction, Korea Electric Power Corporation Guest Curator: Yu Yeon Kim

Exhibition Program:

1.Gulf Survey (Gulf Urban Design and Planning exhibition) 1.Credit : AMO (Rem Koolhaas, Reinier de Graaf), ARCHIS (Ole Bouman), 2.Mitra Khoubrou, Al Manakh

2. Contemporary Art Exhibition from Arab Countries List of Participating Artist : 1. Tarek Atoui (Lebanon), Performance 2. Ammar Al-Beik (Syria), Film 3. Waheeda Malullah (Bahrain), Video 4. Mohammed Kazem (U.A.E), Photography 5. Manal Al Dowayan (Soudi Arabia ), Photography 6. Faisal Samra (Bahrain), Photography, Performance

Synopsis "FLUID FORM I" will provide for an opportunity to review the architecture and urban design from the Arab countries as well as contemporary art. For example, Abu Dhaib is the capital of the United Arab Emirates where more than 80% of the population are concentrated. Recently, Saadiyat Island, a part of the city, was designated as a cultural district where world-famous architects are designing the building combining eastern and western cultures, creating a new urban environment with a new media zone being planned. Thus, Abu Dhabi emerges as a global cultural hub city. ● "FLUID FORM I" may well give us a chance for the first time in Korea to inspect the cultural complex of Arab countries and assess the validity of the Arabian culture not much appreciated so far due to some biased value system and standards. Importantly, this project with bridge Korea and Arab countries in terms of cultural, economic, sight-seeing and diplomatic exchanges. ● For the period from 1970s through mid-1980s, Korea emerged as a newly industrial country and construction power owing primarily to the construction boom in the Middle East. ● However, they were supplier-centered buildings, not human-centered urban spaces and architectures. Today when creative urban identities are required together with the original and sensuous global buildings, we have few buildings that may be proudly presented to the world. ● United Arab Emirates, especially Abu Dabhi, attempts to invite high-end Western culture brands, world-famous architects and urban designers world-class universities and other educational institutes and build a city of cultural convergence centered about knowledge and quality human resources. In short, the city pursues a new cultural development. ● Despite the lingering effects of the global economic crisis, United Arab Emirates endeavours to accommodate international students, researchers and artists through, "Alternative Diplomacy" to posit a new creative city, transforming the Arabian architecture and art map continuously.

Conclusion "FLUID FORM I" project explores a contemporary art exhibition representing Arab Countries'architecture and urban environment and expressing the human state of mind breathing between the architectural spaces, and thereby, suggests the directions and some creative alternatives for Korea-Arab countries cultural exchanges focusing on the architectural value and changing life.

Participating Artists

Artist: Manal Al-Dowayan Manal Al-Dowayan was born and raised in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. Over the course of her education, she partook in a range of courses in differing art institutions in Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Bahrain and London. ● She has participated in numerous exhibitions including the British Council's Common Ground project in 2006 and Nawafith: the Saudi-Italian artist exchange (2007). Manal has also exhibited regionally and internationally, in Spain, Bahrain, the UK, USA, the UAE, and Saudi Arabia. She won an international call for artists for the Imagining Ourselves anthology in 2003, which was managed by the International Museum of Women in San Francisco. In 2005 she was selected to participate in a photography project which followed with an auctioning of the works by Christie's. Her photograph Pointing to the Future was exhibited in New York at the 49th Session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) in 2005. Manal is represented by the Cuadro Fine Art Gallery. ● Manal has a Masters in Systems Analysis and Design and runs her own photography business from her darkroom in Saudi Arabia where she also produces her artworks. Manal's latest collection, I Am, addresses issues which pertain to the position of the Arab woman in Islamic Society. These collections comprise of works which portray Saudi women whose careers play a vital role in Saudi Society. Each image simultaneously includes a traditional item of jewelry positioned in an obstructive manner. This disruption symbolizes the barriers that women face when partaking in their profession and questions cultural traditions that prevent Saudi women from expanding their roles in society.

Artist/Film director: Azza el Hassan (Palenstine) Azza el Hassan is an award winner independent Documentary Producer/Director. Azza holds an MA in Television Documentary, GoldSmith College, University of London (1995) and a BA in Film and Television studies and Sociology from Glasgow University, Scotland (1994). Her films have been produced and shown by various national and international TV networks.

Film Title: Kings and Extras, Digging for a Palestinian image Year: 2004 The films of the PLO Media Unit were supposed to show ● a self-determined image of palestinian reality - and they went missing during the Israeli invasion of Beirut in 1982 ● In a "road-movie" from Palestine to Jordan, Syria and Lebanon, the director follows the contradicting and confusing clues as to the whereabouts of the lost archive. The increasingly absurd search finally leads her to a martyr's graveyard, where the films are said to be buried - but no one really wants to dig over the whole place. ● While Azza's search for lost images leads her down various dead ends, she is confronted with new clues and starts to construct her own story. ● The film reflects the situation in teh Middle East - a failed revolution, the problematic relationship with the Arab neighbours, the question of a Palestine identity today. ● Azza El-Hassan shows myths, life stories and life lies, the personal effects of defeat and loss. She even brings some humour to the tragedy of the situation - to which she simultaneously feels a sense of belonging and opposition

Artist: Mohammed Kazem Born in United Arab Emirate

Artist: Ammar Al-Beik Video work ● "Uthuni Tastate' An Tasma'" (My Ear Can Hear, 2001) ● "Inahum Kanu Huna" (They Were Here, 2001) ● Born in Damascus, Syria in 1972, Ammar Al Beik studied at the University of Damascus and has been exhibiting his photographs since the mid 1990s, at a time when he simultaneously began an impressive career in filmmaking. Taking his cinematic works to the international stage, he has earned critical acclaim from audiences and juries across the global and has been honored with a number of awards. Having participated in screenings worldwide since 1999, his films have been featured in such prestigious events as the Venice and San Paulo International Film Festivals. His invitation to the 63rd Annual Venice Film Festival was a first in the history of Syrian cinema. In just a little over a decade he has become one of country's leading filmmakers. ● Hiis photographs have been shown in venues throughout the Middle East, Europe and the US. Since joining Ayyam gallery in 2007, Al Beik has been impressing viewers and critics alike through such notable exhibitions as "Shabab Uprising," "Black vs. Color" and the "SCOPE Art Fair (Basel)". ● Al Beik's photographs possess a cinematic quality that can only be found amidst the portfolio of a seasoned image maker. Forever embracing experimentation, he works with an assortment of techniques. Often materializing in the form of large ultra chrome prints on canvas, his photographs toy with the manipulation of light and contrast and delve into the art of visual storytelling, holding the narrative of his subjects up with careful scrutiny and heightened sensitivity.

Film title: They were Here (Syria, 2000, 8 min, Beta SP) Synopsis: ● A ghostly, eloquent portrait of an abandoned steam-engine plant and the men who labored there for four decades. In Arabic with English subtitles. ● Festivals and Awards: - World Wide Video Festival, Amsterdam, 2001 - San Francisco Arab Film Festival, 2001 - Pacific Cinematheque, Vancouver, 2001 - Brisbane Film Festival, 2002 - New Arab Video, Caixaforum, Barcelona, 2003

Special Film Program Lagos/Koolhaas Written and Directed by Bregtje van der Haak Produced by Sylvia Baan for Pieter van Huystee Film Lagos' population is expected to reach 24 million people by 2020, which would make it the third largest city in the world. Every hour, 21 new inhabitants set out to start a life in the city, a life that is highly unpredictable and requires risk taking, networking and improvisation as essential strategies for survival. ● Rem Koolhaas - winner of architecture's Nobel, the Pritzker Architecture Prize - is a Professor of Architecture and Urban Design at Harvard. For the past four years Koolhaas and students from The Harvard Project on the City have come to Lagos regularly to research the type of urban environment that is produced by explosive population growth. The Project on the City is framed by two concepts: academia's bewilderment with new forms of accelerated urbanization in developing regions and the maelstrom of redevelopment in existing urban areas; and, second, the failure of the design professions to adequately cope with these changes. ● LAGOS / KOOLHAAS follows Koolhaas during his research in Lagos over a period of two years as he wanders through the city, talking with people and recognizing the problems with water, electricity and traffic. But instead of judging the city to be doomed, he is able to interpret this 'culture of congestion' positively, thereby creating a completely new concept of the big city. ● For example, in most North American cities we grumble about the traffic and turn up the CD. In Lagos, traffic jams are such an overwhelming feature of the city that they have become a key marketplace. When the cars stop, the trading begins. Or, as Koolhaas's report puts it, "the ubiquitous traffic jam: lulled in congestion, captive to the road's breadth, and thriving with entrepreneurial activity." ● For Koolhaas, the key to understanding a city such as Lagos is the realization that it is not the controllable result of Western planning. The city should be seen as an anarchic organism in which the enterprise of the inhabitants turns any apparent disadvantage into an advantage: "Anguish over the city's shortcomings in traditional urban systems obscures the reasons for the continued, exuberant existence of Lagos and other megacities like it. These shortcomings have generated ingenious, critical alternative systems." ● Thus, for Koolhaas and his team, Lagos is a case study of a city at the forefront of a globalizing modernity: "Lagos is not catching up with us. Rather, we may be catching up with Lagos..." -quoted from Icarus Films.com contact : Choi Kyung-Hee, +82.10.9070.4930, [email protected]

Artistic Director Yu Yeon Kim Yu Yeon Kim is an independent curator based in New York and Seoul. She has curated and been a commissioner of many distinguished international exhibitions of contemporary art ● She was a Commissioner and curator of the Poland Mediations Biennale 2008 in Poland (curated "Corporeal/Technoreal"); the Liverpool Biennale 2004 in UK; the 3rd Gwangju Biennale 2000 (Exotica Incognita) in Korea; the 1st Cinco Continentes y Una Ciudad Biennale in Mexico City 1998 and the 2nd Johannesburg Biennale, South Africa 1997. ● Recently, she curated "Los Puntos del Compas" (The Points of the Compass) was exhibited at the Fundacion Ludwig de Cuba, Havana 2008 and other satellite sites in Havana. The exhibition was also hosted by the Sala de Arte Publico Siqueiros, Mexico City. ● Kim has curated major museum exhibitions such as "Translated Acts" at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, Germany, Queens Museum of Art, New York and the Museo de arte Carrillo Gil in Mexico City; "Counterpoint" at the Bund 18, Shanghai, China; "Transversions" at the Museum Africa, Johannesburg in South Africa; "Fragmented Histories" at the Mexico City Museum; "Magnetic Power" at Coreana Museum of Art in Seoul; and ACAW- "Fast Futures; Asian Video Art" with Melissa Chiu, Director of Asia Society Museum and Barbara London, Chief Curator of Museum of Modern Art, New York ● Her curatorial projects also include; Korea Transfer, Permanent Mission of the DPRK to the UN, New York; In the Eye of the Tiger, at the Exit Art, New York ; DMZ_2005 (Demilitarized Zone between North and South Korea) Paju Book City, Heyri Art Valley, Odu Mt. Observatory and OMNIZONE, Perspectives in Mapping Digital Culture, an on-line project featured on both the Plexus.org and the Guggenheim Museum website. ● Her writings have been published in various books including: Live Art, Performance and the Contemporary(pub. Tate Modern, London, UK) ; Zhang Huan(pub. Kunstverein, Hamburg, Germany);Translated Acts (Haus der Kulutren der Welt, Berlin), Bypass (pub. Bonn Museum, Germany) ● Awards:Humanities Fellowship from Rockefeller Brothers Foundation, New York Reference: http://www.yuyeonkim.org

Vol.20100520d | FLUID FORMⅠ-아랍 현대미술 & 도시디자인展
