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갤러리민 기획초대展
관람시간 / 10:30am~05:30pm / 일요일 휴관
갤러리민_GALLERY MIN 서울 강남구 청담동 100-13번지 사라빌딩 2층 Tel. +82.2.545.0274
My work generated by manual movement appears to be an organic and variable object within a restricted, quadrantal space. My sensible picture plane is seemingly likely to break and disappear due to its fragile appearance fabricated by thin lines overlapping one another and by the arrangement of subtle colirs. But work is based on the meditation upon space and is thus the product of the mutual communication of the subjective and objective. It is sufficiently qualified as a two dimensional painting and simultaneously possesses the life force through which something is created from nothing within the picture plane. This immanent life force potentially stretches itself out of the picture place. ■ KIMYEONTAE
Vol.20100508g | 김연태展 / KIMYEONTAE / 金嬿兌 / painting