Blue Story

김미숙展 / KIMMISOOK / 金美淑 / painting   2010_0423 ▶ 2010_0425

김미숙_Blue Story_캔버스에 아크릴채색_65×91cm_2010

● 위 이미지를 클릭하면 네오룩 아카이브 Vol.20091018e | 김미숙展으로 갑니다.

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기획_제이갤러리 JAY GALLERY

관람시간 4월23일_11:00pm~09:30pm / 4월24일_09:00pm~06:00pm / 4월25일_12:00pm~05:00pm


The beginning of Mi-sook, Kim, the artist, figurate the actual image of "the Nature" as "the Blue image". Seeking the abstract figuration is never nothing to her usual life. Through the deep introspect into emptiness rather than filling, being natural rather than decorated, simple rather than complicated, inner beauty rather than external beauty, she embodies the world of those poetic images. Furthermore, the emotional aesthetic experience finds the beauty of original manifestation existed inside of the nature through the sympathy and communication with the nature, and at the same time the wide insight for the nature shows her unique understanding and interest for the style of art.

김미숙_Blue Story_캔버스에 아크릴채색_65×91cm_2010
김미숙_Blue Story_캔버스에 아크릴채색_65×91cm_2010

Through this exhibition, " Blue Story ", she gives life to image more with her style of presenting image, and it emphasize the sensuous factor of subject, rather than consisted of presenting it. The whirling lines and scattered dots seems like floating in the canvas, and the sensuous figurative words could be visual and auditory, and those stimulates the collision and understanding of the sensuous factors as various rather than singular. That is, the image of blue is expressed as one of the points of the relation of subject with outside or nature and has symbolic value. Like that, as granting the representation to the image of blue, the sensuous factor becomes the surface appearance of image. Furthermore, the image of blue is represented by emphasizing the nature of subject with passion instead of showing the nature of it as representing the subject, and at last it begins as the non-objectivity of subject. Therefore, the nature of subject that the image of blue represents shows the existence of imagination inside of image.

김미숙_Blue Story_캔버스에 아크릴채색_41×53cm_2010

"Blue Story", which Mi-sook, Kim has chosen as the subject or work, symbolizes the fundamental color for the generation of whole nature at the beginning of the world and is the beginning of revolution and has close relationship with the nature, as she speaks through the artist's note. The glorious light of blue represents the sense of space of the beautiful Great Nature as giving life on the ground, and as the dots and lines begin from the beginning point of the figuration art and represent the co-existence of nature and human being, those become "The blue" as the beginning of life. The nature represented with the color of blue let feel the peculiar experience and produces new figurative language as being a small universe. At last, the expression of sensuous exaggeration with blue is the beginning to create the new as non-objectivity of nature, but it is never early to transform and convert the nature. The non-objectivity of blue nature just emphasize the simple, pure, and aesthetic beauty, as converted into the actual nature of the Nature in the canvas. ■ Cha, Eun-young

Vol.20100423a | 김미숙展 / KIMMISOOK / 金美淑 / painting
