Thing; Time & Sex

김정희展 / KIMJEONGHEE / 金正喜 / painting   2009_1022 ▶ 2009_1028

김정희_Thing-2009 bowl-14_천에 아크릴채색_122×122cm_2009

● 위 이미지를 클릭하면 김정희 블로그로 갑니다.

별도의 초대일시가 없습니다.

관람시간 / 10:00pm~06:00pm

D.S.A 갤러리 대전시 중구 대흥동 452-65번지 Tel. +82.42.486.1212

Thing; Time & Sex ● 작업실이 시골에 있다 보니 자연스럽게 자연과 가까이하고 있다. 꽃도 심고 나무도 심어 가꾸는 조그만 정원도 있다. 그러나 내가 심지도 않고 오히려 없애버리려고 싸움을 하는 식물들도 있다. 인간이나 동물이나 식물이나 모든 생명체는 자신의 흔적들을 남기려, 번식하려 몸부림치고 있다. 서로 자신의 영역을 지키고 확장하는데 목숨을 걸고 싸우고 있다. 작가를 비롯한 인간의 세상이나 동식물의 세상이나 매 한가지다. 나도 인간이기에 이들과 다르지 않다. 이런 싸움이 욕심스럽게도 보이지만 이것이 존재의 이유와 의미를 더욱 확장시키려는 노력으로도 보인다. 이러한 것들은 동전의 앞뒷면과 같이 늘 우리 주위에 공존하고 있다. 이것이 인간을 비롯한 모든 것들이 살아가는 모습이 아니겠는가. 땅덩이가 생긴 이래 지금까지 이러한 과정들은 되풀이 되어 왔고, 앞으로도 되풀이 될 것이다. 나는 오늘도 이 같은 싸움을 긴장감 속에서 즐기는지도 모르겠다. ■ 김정희

김정희_Thing-2009 bowl-15_천에 아크릴채색_122×122cm_2009
김정희_Thing-2009 bowl-21_오브젝트에 아크릴채색_122×122×110cm_2009
김정희_Thing-2009 bowl-21_오브젝트에 아크릴채색_122×122×110cm_2009_부분

I painted 'the painting' since I was a little child. ● Thanks to my father the writer, who devoted himself to the arts, the easel was always placed in my house 40 years ago. He had brought an art book whenever he got money, and he enjoyed hanging the pictures ripped out of a art book on the wall. I got down to the art when I was a high school student. The painting was a part of my life, I intended to visualize everything I felt. I made a habit of reflecting on myself while I did my works. suddenly I am reminded of my high school life. I used to watch pretty girls on TV as always. They make up there face and wear gorgeous clothes so that they look more beautiful. Really they look beautiful. However I saw the blood vessel on their neck when they sang, I took more pleasure in watching this. Who saw my works first don't think all my works as the same because of various materials, shapes and methods. I always intend to show conflict and cooperation by coexistence of one thing with another though. In order to look more beautiful, how much they tried? How much other's help? Can I easily say that the fruits of efforts are sweet? Is effort always bitter? Is fruit always sweet?

김정희_Thing-2009 bowl-21, 22_오브젝트에 아크릴채색, 프로젝트_2009

What the heck is the right answer? ● Sometimes I think that is wrong what I believe it is right. I wonder if we are now in different world, or I have been changed a bit. I also think that artists do there works intend to gratify there curiosity. I am old enough to fix it up, but I ask to myself over and over again. ● I drive to my studio in my car every morning. When I was young I thought that only rich have private cars. The dawn bell was ringing and a late riser was a bad guy. A thatch-roofed house needed to be removed. But now I can afford to think about the other side of success. We go after only success, but there will be efforts, strong competition, the struggle for existence. Now, everything is beautiful and everything is not beautiful at the same time. It is confusing whether I lose my judgment or I become generous.

김정희_Thing; Time & Sex展_2009

success, power wriggly desire hidden in the beauty ● The desire is a great power to improve and it will go on showing it's ability. The power cuts two ways, so it must be deliberate I think. He who has the power may hurt himself. The more powerful the power is, the more deliberate we should be. The power! It's great. But we know that we are under control of the power which is shown everywhere. Whatever the form, everything in the world can be developed. The evolution needs efforts, as well as honor and hurt. The beauty of luxury goods and bottomless appetite for them ● We can hardly find tailor's or shoe stores in the neighborhood for some time. The luxury goods might paid much efforts and difficulties till it has been authorized. Many women are anxious to have them whatever the cost.

김정희_Thing; Time & Sex展_2009

One of my friend came by my studio the other day. ● He brought me ginseng tea wrapped with pretty things. It really shows his whole hearts. I didn't think he wrapped a gift by himself, perhaps other person did. If so, does it show the heart of the professional? It is my friend's heart as well as the professional's. We generally tend to overvalue it's shapes than gift itself. We value both of them though. we add another value to the gift. Venus! She resigned from the art. ● Until now we draw a plaster bust a lot. We draw with a pencil, charcoal and water colors. We draw a lot indeed. We did only for an entrance examination to a college and it was no wonder. Our colleges of fine arts measure the drawing of a plaster bust as required course. Without reflection, it has been stylized. But now the drawing of a plaster bust has been disappeared in most of the colleges. A plaster bust faded before the trace of a desire to a university leave its surface. You adorable plaster bust! You filled the role so you are enough to take a rest. We will remember you. ■ KIMJEONGHEE

Vol.20091027g | 김정희展 / KIMJEONGHEE / 金正喜 / painting
