● 위 이미지를 클릭하면 2009 전주포토페스티벌 홈페이지로 갑니다.
주최 / 사단법인 현대사진미디어 연구소 주관 / 전주포토페스티벌 추진위원회_전주대학교 디지털이미징아카이브 연구소 후원 / 전라북도_전주시_전주대학교 문화산업대_전주대학교 예술문화연구소 협력 및 협찬 / 전주대 영상컨텐츠학부 미디어포토그래픽전공_한국HP_니콘이미징코리아 드림액자_신기정 프린트 테크놀로지_포토섬_월간포토넷_매거진 F
2009 전주포토페스티벌 사무국 Tel. + / www.jpf.co.kr
2009_0413 ▶ 2009_0430 관람시간_10:00am~06:00pm
전북예술회관 전북 완산군 경원동 1가 104-5번지 Tel. +
2009_0413 ▶ 2009_0419 관람시간_10:00am~06:00pm
교동아트센터_GYODONG ART CENTER 전북 전주시 완산구 풍남동3가 67-9번지 Tel. + www.gdart.co.kr
2009_0423 ▶ 2009_0429 관람시간_09:30am~10:00pm / 월요일 휴관
우진문화공간_WOOJIN ART PLACE 전북 전주시 덕진구 진북2동 1062-3번지 Tel. + www.woojin.or.kr
Urban & Culture ● 올해로 두 번째를 맞이하는 『전주포토페스티벌』은 「Urban & Culture」라는 큰 틀을 주제로 현대 도시와 문화를 시간의 핵으로서 시각적 공간으로 보고, 인간의 다양한 삶의 양식들을 창의적으로 펼쳐놓은 문화적인 발언의 장이 될 것이다. 도시는 인간과 공간의 만남이 이루어지는 체험의 장소이며, 문화기반으로써 인간 활동이 일어나는 가시적이고 비가시적인 형태의 이미지와 관념이 공존하는 세계이다. 그 속에서 우리가 목격하게 되는 것은 순수하거나 개념화된 혹은 사회적인 관습을 통해 그 구조가 명백히 드러나는, 이질적이고 다양한 차원의 문화적·인종적 코드들의 이중성이다. 예술은 이러한 문화적 다의성을 주의 깊게 탐구하고, 사회적 텍스트의 구조나 본성에 대한 관심을 예술작품을 통해 전개시키게 된다. ●『2009 전주포토페스티벌』은 본 전시인『한·불 작가』展을 중심으로 기획전(전주풍경 사진전)과 특별전(보는 맛, 느끼는 맛), 그리고 촬영행사(One Day Story in Jeonbuk)와 세미나&워크숍(About Body) 등 다양한 문화행사를 통해 크게 세 가지 목적에서 출발한다. 첫째, 한국과 프랑스 작가 초대전을 통해 양국 예술가들의 문화 교류의 장을 마련하며, 동시에 신인 작가들을 발굴하고 육성하는데 그 의의가 있다. 둘째, 기획전과 특별전을 통해 전통과 현대가 공존하는 삶의 다양한 풍경을 기록하여 제시함으로써, 과거를 통해 반영된 우리의 현재를 재조명해 보고자 한다. 셋째, 사진축제가 예술가만을 위한 축제가 아니라, 일반인들의 적극적인 참여와 동참을 유도함으로써 대중과 직접 소통하는 문화예술 축제로서의 위상을 확립하는 것이다. ● 이번 『전주포토페스티벌』은 인간과 자연, 도시와 도시, 문화와 문명, 그리고 전통과 현대라는 개념의 근본적인 의미와 그 차이를 다양한 시각적 관점에서 풀어 보여준다. 따라서 현대적인 삶의 방식에 익숙한 대중들이 스스로 참여하고 소통하는 사진문화예술 축제가 될 것이다. ■ 강혜정
■ 한·불 작가展 2009_0417 ▶ 2009_0430 / 전라북도예술회관 초대일시_2009_0418_토요일_02:00pm 초대작가 / 박형근_윤정미_오석근_여락_임안나_Aude TINCELIN_Tina MERANDON Eric BOUTTIER_Anne ZEITZ_Jean-Sebastien CHAUVIN Nathalie Van DOXELL_Aurelie VEYRON_Sandrine ELBERG 참여작가 / 김경호_이승민_안천호_송재원 // 큐레이터 / 강혜정 한·불 작가전은 다양한 기원을 지닌 동시대 두 문화 이야기를 젊은 사진가들의 예술적 감수성을 통해 자유롭게 펼쳐 보여준다. 이들은 시간과 공간을 뛰어넘어 공존하는 인간과 자연, 도시와 문화에 대해 때로는 담담한 시선으로, 때로는 재치 있는 유머와 상상력으로, 때로는 삶에 대한 진지한 성찰을 통해 각자의 방식으로 다양한 질문을 제기한다.
■ 전주 풍경사진展 Changing Landscape of Jeonju 2009_0413 ▶ 2009_0419 / 교동아트센터 초대일시_2009_0414_화요일_05:00pm 참여작가 / 구현성_김영성_김종옥_우동수_최종성 // 큐레이터 / 정영혁 중견사진가들을 포함한 차세대 신진작가들이 촬영한 전주지역의 생 활상과 전통 및 근대, 현대문화상을 촬영 전시한다. 전시된 이미지는 디지털 아카이브로 구축하고 활용하여 지역문화 발전의 계기를 조성한다.
■ 특별展-보는 맛, 느끼는 맛 2009_0423 ▶ 2009_0429 / 우진문화공간 초대일시_2009_0423_목요일_05:00pm 참여작가 / 강윤석_박승환_윤신혜 우리의 전통음식 문화를 보고 느낄 수 있도록 다양한 식품 및 재료 등을 현대적인 감각으로 촬영하여 보여주고자 한다. 국가 및 지역에서 주요 사업으로 육성하는 한 브랜드의 하나인 전통요리와 재료 등을 세계인의 식탁 안으로 자리 잡을 수 있도록 이미지 스타일링 한다. 또한 새로운 느낌으로 재구성, 촬영하여 레시피와 함께 전시함으로써 전통과 현대의 조화를 통해 우리 식품의 우수성을 강조한다.
■ One day Story in Jeonbuk 2009_0418 ▶ 2009_0419 / 새만금, 군산지역, 전주 한옥마을 일대 행사진행 / 성남훈 작가 019.281.6467, [email protected] // 강사_성남훈, 이흥재, 최연하 사진가 100인이 함께하는 행사로 전시 위주의 축제를 넘어 사진가들이 직접 참여하는 축제로 지역의 문화에 대한 일반인들의 관심 유도와 전통과 문화유산, 생활환경을 촬영하여, 양질의 사진 콘텐츠를 확보하고 아카이브로 구축한다. 전국의 사진가와 일반인 및 지역민 100여명이 참여하여 축제기간 중 하루 동안 전북 도민들의 삶과 문화를 24시간 사진으로 기록한다.
■ 세미나 & 워크숍-About Body 2009_0426_일요일_12:00pm~05:00pm / 전주대학교세미나실 행사진행 / 심혜정 작가 011.722.3441, [email protected] 강사_정영혁, 오경성 / 참가요건_DSLR 또는 수동카메라 지참 / 참가대상_사진 동호인 및 일반인 내용_이론 강의 후 모델 촬영 실습을 통해 포트폴리오 제작 / 포함내용_모델 비, 워크숍 강의 / 참가비_3만원 현대사진의 전개에 있어서 인간의 바디가 예술적 매체의 주 오브젝트 로 급부상하는 이유와 의미를 분석하여 현대사진의 한 장르를 이해한다. 사진의 역사에 드러난 위대한 사진가들의 작품(Body) 분석을 통해 그들의 예술사진 세계를 이해한다. "Body"를 주제로 하는 사진촬영 워크숍으로서 예술 사진에 관심이 있는 일반인들을 대상으로 스튜디오 모델 촬영을 실시하고, 전문 작가들을 초청하여 다양한 작품과 촬영 팁 등을 배울 수 있는 세미나를 통해 인체의 미적탐구와 예술 사진으로의 접근방식을 경험할 수 있는 기회를 제공한다.
■ 2009 포토페스티벌 폐회_2009_0430
Urban and Culture ● As of this year The 2nd Jeonju Photo Festival is held under the general theme of "Urban and Culture." The theme regards a modern city and culture as visual space of temporal nucleus. Also it will be a cultural venue of the utterance that creatively spread out the varieties of living modes. A city is a place of experiences where man and space meet together. In a city visible and invisible images of human activities as cultural bases and ideas coexist. In the realm of coexistence we are witness to the dualism of heterogeneous codes of various cultures and races. The dualism is based upon genuine or conceptualized social convention. Art carefully investigates cultural polysemy and develops concerns of structure or character of social text through artistic works. ● The 2009 Jeonju Photo Festival consists of three categories that are the main exhibition (Korea and France Photographers) including a planned exhibition (Changing Landscape of Jeonju), a special exhibition (Seeing Taste and Feeling Taste), a photographing event(one day story in Jeonbuk Province) including seminar and workshop, etc. ● First, the purpose is to arrange a venue where Korea and France photographers exchange their culture. And new photographers are found and fostered in the course of exhibition. Second, through the planned and special exhibitions we can record and present the various aspects of living in which tradition and modenity coexist. The purpose is to illuminate the present time again through the past. Third, the photo festival is not only for artists but also for the public. The active participation of the public in the event is a desirable policy leading to the communication between artists and the public. ● The 2009 Jeonju Photo Festival interprets from the various viewpoints of the basic meanings and differences in terms of the concept of man and nature, a city and other city, culture and civilization, and tradition and modernity. Accordingly, the event will be the venue of photographic culture and art which the public become accustomed to gain access to the modern way of living should participate for themselves. ■ KANGHYEJUNG
The Ideal and the Real ● The planned Exhibition of Korea and France Photographers freely shows off the contemporary culture stories of various origins through artistic sensibilities of young photographers. Cities and culture are enormous environment from which desire of man gushes out. Also they are space where adaptation and antagonism against dominative real principles repeatedly reappear. Photographers of Korea and France who participated in this exhibition are young ones. They are in such dichotomous structure: inside vs. outside, subject vs. object, real vs. fiction, accord vs. disaccord, and past vs. present. And as dualism in two cultures of orient and occident or as mutual understanding an impact of art and ideology, and sentiment and value system reveals an aspect to be complex. ●The wrok of photographers is fundamentally based on the real. Mythological property of the medium by the name of photographs becomes important means to express artistic faith. Accordingly, in the logic of modern capitalism and consuming society the heterogenous cultural text that was inevitably connected offers us a variety of individual and psychological experiences. Photographers stimulate endlessly the cut end and the traces of complex life that are such fluid and temporary. And they continuously play a tug of war in order to subjugate the gap between the ideal and the real. ● France photographers pursue their artistic faith by reflecting sometimes straightly and at other times paradoxically the various real that surrounded human conditions. On The contrary Korea photographers gush out their artistic ideal and faith through dream and imagination rather than the present reality. They don't make a compromise with the temptation of instinctive desire and materialized value. Instead they raise various questions sometimes with witty humor and imagination, and sometimes through serous reflection on life. ● The artistic forms and contents in the work of these photographers make us measure how the fragmentary time of present is received and communicated in the society. At the same time they make us take aim at the coded value system and the cultural difference in the society. KANGHYEJUNG
New Faces ● This exhibition is a stage for the young photographers who are freely enthusiastic in the work of photography without exposing their styles. They stimulate the obtuse sense of spectators by interpreting in diverse methods the dominative real principles that they see, hear, and feel through the world surrounded them. Particularly the artists present us urbanistic value and human desire which are revealed obviously through structured system of the late industrial society making use of simple method of approach. Urbanism demands living people specific life styles and behavior patterns. It is a space where capitalistic desire with which production and consumption dominate is satisfied. Accordingly, the life style of urbanism is recreated as a general code of present consuming society through apartment culture, service and leisure activities, and traveling of present production condition. ● Photographs of Kyoung-Ho Kim include the landscape of Seoul City whose both north and south riversides of the Han River. In his works there is fragmentary images of nature and man that huge material civilization conquered. The scene is a symbol as space that has been organized, dominated and humanized by man. ● Photographs of SeungMin Lee include the early morning scene of discount mart that is a new symbol of massive consuming society. The works disclose how the cunning tactics dominates and changes the life style of modern people. ● Jae Won Song shows us that the social images of contemporary people through scene of skiing which is a seasonal sports. He describes skilfully hidden desire and frantic fetishism of the people who enjoy leisure culture making use of anonymity. ● Photographs of Chun-Ho An shows us an consuming aspect of travel and a type of human mobility through the photographs of travelers. Travel does not simply mean that travel is merely free from working. The photographer let the spectators recognize the contemporary meaning of stale travel and obsessional life of today's people by removing temporal and spatial reality. ● The photographers who have participated in the exhibition interprets in their own way the consumption site of humanity that has been accustomed to human conditions and life patterns of urbanism. In the real world various symbolized codes are substituted for simple images. In that context it is greatly meaningful that artistic possibility and infinite faith are found in this exhibition. KANGHYEJUNG
Changing Landscape of Jeonju ● The exhibition of Changing Landscape of Jeonju with the theme of "Urban and Culture" is a recorded image of the main subject. The subject is Jeonju landscape of the village of Korea traditional houses. Particularly the invited photographers from other regions look at today's Jeonju with very subjective opinions. A city itself is a very attractive subject to photographers. As we know in the history of photography images of photographs have been described abreast the development of cities. Because photographic characteristics are factual records. Lenses of photographers reflects the transformed features of cities. They are architecture, offices, buildings, and portraits of the public (costume, hairstyle, fashion) which are described by photography as the faces of cities. We can enjoy the images of cities of the world by computer without visiting those cities. Speaking conversely, as a venue of cultural festival the village of traditional Korea houses recorded in Jeonju landscape and scenes transformed rapidly by city planning would be introduced not only to Seoul but also to internationally boastful cities of culture through the event. ● The village of Korea traditional houses is a brand which Jeonju City takes a pride in. The village represents Jeonju area, and also it is an important cultural heritage of Korea. The exhibition of Changing Landscape of Jeonju consists of works of five photographers. They are not merely the village of Korea traditional houses or general Jeonju landscape but individual works which the critical eyes of five artists were artfully focused on. Those photographers are from other regions and so they have their own experiences of cultural environment and spirit that are different from those of Jeonju. ● Dong Soo Woo has the only large camera( 12x20 inches) in Korea. He looks at narrow streets archeologically. His photographs would be invaluable material in the study of the village after 100 years. ● Jong-Wook Kim brings into focus the public who enjoy the village using the technique of multiple exposure. Once we carefully look into the images the delicate movements of the people who appreciate culture reveals in detail. ● Hyun-Sung Koo looks at the village from a viewpoint of the traditional documentary. His peculiarity is that he himself enjoys sightseeing. It seems that he is very much interested in the leisure of the city people who are confined to the frame of leisure. ● Jongsung Paul Choe thrusts the lens of his camera before the landscape of new city areas that has been undergoing a sudden change owing to the city planning. He takes photographs of new buildings of postmodern style that are contrasted with the complexities of construction sites and newly prepared housing lot. Those subjects stand for explicitly the context of the images of today's Jeonju City in the sense of historical present. ● Youngsung Kim shows us the image of white and black panorama. It seems that we recognize virtual reality through his photographs. Especially his snapshots are taken by an absolute shutter chance. The images of snapshots approach us as if they had been artificially directed. ● The photographs of the Exhibition of Changing Landscape of Jeonju do not simply record a sightseeing city, Jeonju. It brings up a question of aesthetic discourse how to see newly the landscape. And the discourse itself should cross over the public relations of Jeonju. At the outside of the exhibition hall the images of the exhibited photographs are digital contents. An extensive meaning of the exhibition comes from that the contents have infinite value of merchandise for a newer and better brand of Jeonju. ■ JUNGYOUNGHEOUK
Vol.20090406g | 2009 전주포토페스티벌