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ISTANBUL MODERN SANATLAR GALERISI(IMSG) Turkey Barbaros Bulvari No:113/B Balmumcu 34349 Besiktas, ISTANBUL Tel. 0212_288_48_48 www.imsg.com.tr
The Meaning and Perspective of the Modern Art International Exchange between Incheon and Istanbul. ● We have first met during the World Cup of 2002. With no other connections before, we were able to first meet because of a sports event. Already 6 years have past, and we ere continuing our 6th Modern Art International Exchange with Turkey. Our first exchange with Turkey was more of an short performance that wasextended from a sports event. however, now it has become a cultural interaction that overcomes space and time, expanding a new vision. Turkey's culture, along with Turkey's history, has characteristics of variety complexity. With its numerous mountain ranges, plateaus, and fertile lands near the rivers, Turkey has been the border line between the west and the east ever since its civilization. Therefore, Turkey has been sufficiently keeping its position as the bridge connecting the culture of east and west. Then on, Turkey has been striving to apply Western economy and liberalism in an Eastern Islamic organization.
The meaning of Modern Art International Exchange with Turkey which possesses a diverse depth of culture is profound. Recently, korean modern art is flooded with a variant of realism and pop-art. The aesthetic sensibility composed of ornamental and erotic senses has positioned itself as the new aesthetic sense in recent Korean art. The alternate world invented by digital technology and computer meets the popular media and recreates sensual images. This reality may be our current situation of art. We should be the present day artists who have not an obligation but a responsibility to create new forms of art. This ara revolves around capital, and art lives upon the very bottom of society. Those are facts that cannot be denied.
From this exhibition, we have to show a new beauty and identity of Asia. There still are artists who have the passion and romance to reach their position in the era through pure dedication. The art philosophies of the korean artists that possess a background of traditional Korean aesthetic sens but bring the meaning of modern life into their arts and focus on various experiments. They have not only mastered the ingredients of Korean art but also focuses on finding original aesthetic value by adhering a liberal ground of exploring shape, space, and substance from a traditional Korean spatial theory of line and margin. On the other hand, there is a group of artists that has grasped the methodology of western art and cultivated to their own domain. ● They continuously rebel back to the society's ironical situations and discuss the globally common problems such as nature and environment. The abstract form is an outcome of modern art. However, the current Korean abstract art cannot be a mere visual enjoyment that lost its of korea exists because of society and continuously change and reform oneself. The abstract arts of this exhibition should be interpreted under such circumstances. Other artists who deserve attention are those young artists who actively mange today's media environment and apply it to their art. After the 1990s, Korea has developed as an important electronics industry nation that leads the global digital culture. Such periodical situation influenced Korea's young artists to take great interest in digital media.
The new media and technology have been included in the general mechanism in art, and experimental young artists form different fields started to prefer image media such as movie, computer, video, photo, hologram and its form of installing as a method of expression. The young image artists that participated this exhibition are outcomes of such cultural atmosphere and experimental spirit. However, the further on problem is that such distortion and misinterpretation is happening quite frequently all around the world. This is because modernity blanketed by western rationalism has been spread out all over the world and erased the different identities of different places. Suppression and distortion. These are the most urgent matters that the 21st century human race should overcome. If we look back to the past ra's tragedy through our history, values that are constituted of dogmatism and distortion are no longer to be appreciated.
Therefore, we should keep the attitude of acknowledging the difference within the values that all mankind recognize and appreciating others. In that sense, this『Incheon-Istanbul Modern Art international Exchange』holds importance in that it officially and continuously allows communication of the culture of two countries that although have both quality and quantity, have been underrated. The art of Turkey, as we know now, has reached the level of leading the trend of world's art. Turkey has especially proven that its art leads the trend of current world art and also secures the traditional Turkey art culture through the『Istanbul Biennale』. orea also held the『Gwangju Biennale』since 1995 and led the trend of modern art through the works of participated artists while contemplating over how to reflect the korean traditional aesthetic value on to such art. However, despite the fact that the two countries have been in close relationships during the Korean War 50 years ago, the geographical distance has kept them far apart culturewise. Still, the Art Exchange Exhibition between Korea and Turkey is already celebrating its 6 year ever since the 2002 Korea-Japan Worldcup.
This reflects that the exchange of art between the two countries has certainly been advanced and that there still are a lot to learn from each other. Also, during the experience, each nation's own value and individuality would naturally become prominent so that both the homogeneity and distinctive character of the art of both nations would stand out among the universal world art. We thank all the artists for displaying their excellent work. We hope that this international exchange exhibit continues on with even better displays in the future. This exhibition breaks free form the traditional array of pictures and videos and focuses on developing a niche to express free opinions through diverse media. We hope that this international exchange exhibit continues on with even better displays in the future. We thank all the artists for displaying their excellent work. ■ Park,dong-jin
Vol.20070903d | 한국-터키현대미술국제교류展